Hinlopoceras venti gen. et sp. nov.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: BFD524AB-81E0-4B03-9467-42F127845E61

Figs 17G–H, J, 18, 19A


Hinlopoceras gen. nov. with cross section changing from circular in juvenile growth stage to slightly compressed (rW ≈ 0.8) in adult specimen; angle of expansion decreases during growth from ca 14° to 11°; ornamented with distinct irregularly spaced directly transverse lirae which are more pronounced during later growth stages. Siphuncle narrow with rSD = 0.12, strictly marginally positioned and with loxochoanitic septal necks.


From Latin ‘ ventus ’, ‘wind’; referring to its wave-like faint transversely lirate ornamentation.

Type material

Holotype Specimen FMNH-P30266.

Paratypes Two additional specimens from the type locality: FMNH-P30267 from bed PO 7.5 and FMNH-P30262 from bed PO 07, 4.5 m and 4.0 m above the base of Olenidsletta Member, V1 a trilobite zone, Blackhillsian, Floian.

Type locality and horizon

From Profilstranda section, adjacent Hinlopenstretet, Spitsbergen, from bed PO 7.5, 4.5 m above base of Olenidsletta Member, V 1a trilobite zone, Blackhillsian, Floian.


The conch is curved in growth stages less then ca 10 mm, and almost orthoconic in later growth stages; its conch height increases at an angle of 14° in early growth stages and 11°–13° in later growth stages (Fig. 18). The degree of compression increases during growth, with specimens> 10 mm in conch height with rW ≈ 0.9 or less (Fig. 18).

The ornament consists of transverse lirae which are less pronounced and faint during early growth stages; conch almost smooth in growth stages with conch height <7 mm; at conch height>ca 9 mm the lirae are well expressed, with a distance of ca 0.3–0.6 mm (specimens FMNH-P30266, P30267). In specimen FMNH-P30262 the distance between two major lirae is 0.7 mm with one subordinate lira in between at a conch height of ca 14 mm (Fig. 19A).

The siphuncle is preserved in the adapical part of specimen FMNH-P30266, where the conch diameter is 3.4 mm and the siphuncular diameter is 0.4 mm.


Hinlopoceras venti gen. et sp. nov. differs from H. tempestatis gen. et sp. nov. mainly in its less pronounced ornamentation, which is faint during early growth stages and consists of irregularly spaced transverse lirae of different strength in growth stages with conch height larger than ca 8–9 mm. Hinlopoceras tempestatis gen. et sp. nov. has pronounced lirae throughout its entire growth (except the very adapical ca 10 mm, Fig. 17I) and a clear differentiation between primary and secondary lirae exists throughout its growth. Little is known about the internal characters of H. venti gen. et sp. nov. because all specimens of the sample have a strongly recrystallized phragmocone. The general similarity of this species with H. tempestatis gen. et sp. nov., however, suggests a similar chamber spacing, siphuncular position and shape.