Summary of Files Deposited in Dryad ( and its associated Zenodo depositories ( and Online Resources associated with Pincot et al. (2022) Novel Fusarium Wilt Resistance Genes Uncovered in Natural and Cultivated Strawberry Populations are Found on Three Non-Homoeologous Chromosomes. Theor. Appl. Genet. R and Perl Scripts Genetic Mapping Pipeline Scripts.ZIP. The custom scripts developed for genetic mapping analyses can be found here. The R script has been extensively annotated contains multiple comments detailing the pipeline in its entirety, including the use of the other scripts. Raw Data Files Phenotypic Data. The raw phenotypic data for our studies are stored in four CSV files. These include race 1 resistance phenotypes for four mapping populations, the host differential panel, and a diversity panel and race 2 resistance phenotypes for the host differential panel. The disease resistance phenotypes were scored using an ordinal visual symptom scale from 1 (healthy) to 5 (dead). Genotypic Data. The raw SNP genotypic data for our studies are stored in seven CSV files with SNP markers in rows and individuals in columns. These include SNP marker genotypes for each mapping population, the host differential panel, a diversity panel, and a California GWAS population (Pincot et al. 2018). These data were produced using 50K or 850K Axiom SNP arrays (Hardigan et al. 2020). The physical positions of SNP markers in the Camarosa (Edger et al. 2019) and Royal Royce (Hardigan et al. 2021) reference genomes are documented. SNP marker genotypes are coded 1 for AA homozygotes, 0 for heterozygotes, and -1 for aa homozygotes, where A and a are SNP alleles.