Taurotettix (Taurotettix) beckeri (Fieber, 1885)

Figs. 1, 3, 16–17, 40–42, 54–57

Description. Green or yellowish green, forewings semitransparent (Fig. 3).

Aedeagal shaft with widened lobe-like apex laterally (Fig. 16). Gonopore subapical, with two basal processes. Style with asymmetrical apophysis strongly bent outwards (Fig. 17).

Body length (including tegmina): ♂, 3.7–4.1 mm; ♀, 4.8–5.2 mm.

Hosts. In steppes and semi-deserts, on Agropyron spp.

Calling signal. Signals of seven males from the environs of Altynemel Village, 45 km east of Zharkent along the road to Saryozek, Southern Kazakhstan were recorded on 11. VI. 2019 at 22 oC.

Calling signal has a duration of about 7–15 s and is a succession of syllables following each other with a period of 1– 1.5 s (Figs. 40–42). Each syllable begins with a succession of short pulses repeating at a rate of about 70–80/s in our recordings (Figs. 54–57). Then 5–8 longer pulses repeating at a rate of about 20–25/s follow. Pulses are often merged with each other and are partially indistinguishable.

Distribution. Described from Southern European Russia, Sarepta, presently, environs of Volgograd, Lower Volga Region (Fieber, 1885). Widespread in steppes and semi-deserts of Southeastern Europe, Kazakhstan, and Central Asia.