Two data files are provided as a supplement to the following research article: Title: Population and seascape genomics of a critically endangered benthic elasmobranch, the blue skate Dipturus batis. Authors: Aurélien Delaval, Michelle Frost, Victoria Bendall, Stuart J. Hetherington, David Stirling, Galice Hoarau, Catherine S. Jones, Leslie R. Noble Upload date: 19 November 2021 Datafile 1 Title: "Dipturus_batis_DArT_genotypes_genepop.txt" Description: Genotype data for 503 individuals of blue skate (Dipturus batis), in GenePop format, at 6,350 single nucleotide polymophisms (SNPs). One row per individual (sample_ID), two alleles per locus represented by three characters each (e.g. 001002). Loci with missing data are recorded as 000000. Information on each of the 503 samples is provided in Datafile 2. Datafile 2 Title: "Dipturus_batis_sample_information.txt" Description: Sample information for 503 individuals of blue skate (Dipturus batis) collected from different sites across the North-East Atlantic Ocean. Headers are as follows: sample_ID: unique sample identifier site: abbreviations are for the Celtic Sea (CS), Faroe Bank (FB), Faroe Shelf (FS), Northern Scotland (NS), Rockall (RK), and West Coast Scotland (WCS). day, month, and year: date the sample was collected. length_cm: total length of individual, in centimeters sex: sex of the individual, male (M) or female (F) depth_m: Depth at the point of sampling, in meters lat_dec: latitude in decimal degrees, precision of 0.1 degree. long_dec: longitude in decimal degrees, precision of 0.1 degree.