Naubates (Guenterion) clypeatus (Giebel, 1874)

Lipeurus clypeatus Giebel, 1874: 236.

Esthiopterum clypeatum Giebel, 1874 [sic]; Harrison 1916: 132.

Naubates clypeatus (Giebel, 1874); Hopkins & Clay 1952: 234.

Naubates clypeatus (Giebel, 1874); Timmermann 1961d: 187, fig. 7.

Naubates clypeatus (Giebel, 1874); Timmermann 1965: 123, fig. 61.

Naubates (Guenterion) clypeatus (Giebel, 1874); Palma & Pilgrim 2002: 31, figs 5–6, 10, 17, 24, 40, 45, 52, 63.

Naubates (Guenterion) clypeatus (Giebel, 1874); Palma 2017: 142.

Syntypes ♂ ♀ presumed lost (see Palma & Pilgrim 2002: 31).

Type host: Halobaena caerulea (Gmelin, 1789).

Chilean host: Halobaena caerulea (Gmelin, 1789).

Other hosts: None.

Chilean localities: Isla Hall: Region XII; Cabo de Hornos [Cape Horn]: Region XII; Isla Gonzalo (Diego Ramírez Islands): Region XII.

Geographic distribution: Antarctica; Southern Ocean.

Chilean reference: Palma & Pilgrim (2002: 33).

Other significant references: Timmermann (1961b; 1965); Palma (1996: 191); Palma & Pilgrim (2002); Price et al. (2003: 199); Palma (2010: 408); Palma (2017).

Remarks: Naubates (Guenterion) clypeatus is frequently collected on the wings of blue petrels (R.L. Palma, pers. observation).