Degeeriella elani Tendeiro, 1955

Degeeriella elani Tendeiro, 1955: 598, figs 36–37.

Degeeriella elani Tendeiro, 1955; Clay 1958a: 174, figs 4, 36, 54, 91; pl. 6: fig. 1.

Degeeriella elani Tendeiro, 1955; Price et al. 2003: 173.

Degeeriella elani Tendeiro, 1955; González-Acuña et al. 2008a: 283.

Degeeriella elani Tendeiro, 1955; Moreno & González-Acuña 2015: 95.

Degeeriella elani Tendeiro, 1955; González-Acuña & Moreno 2018: 262.

Holotype ♂ in CZLP.

Type host: Elanus caeruleus (Desfontaines, 1789).

Chilean host: Elanus leucurus (Vieillot, 1818).

Other hosts: Elanus caeruleus vociferus (Latham, 1790); Elanus axillaris (Latham, 1801).

Chilean localities: Maitencillo: Region IV; Malleco: Region IX; Bulnes: Region XVI.

Geographic distribution: All continents, except Antarctica.

Chilean references: González-Acuña et al. (2008a); Moreno & González-Acuña (2015); González-Acuña & Moreno (2018).

Other significant references: Clay (1958a); Palma (1996: 172); Price et al. (2003).

Remarks: Clay (1958a: 176) and Price et al. (2003: 173) listed Elanus notatus Gould ” as a host of Degeeriella elani, but this host name is regarded as a junior synonym of Elanus axillaris (Latham, 1801) (Schodde & Mason 1980: 12).