Piagetiella caputincisum Eichler, 1950

Piagetiella caputincisa Eichler, 1950: 106, figs 1a, 2a.

Piagetiella caputincisa Eichler, 1950: Hopkins & Clay 1952: 292.

Piagetiella caputincisa Eichler, 1950: Clay & Moreby 1967: 159, fig. 51.

Piagetiella caputincisa Eichler, 1950: Price 1970: 401, figs 13, 18, 24, 27, 30, 39.

Piagetiella caputincisa Eichler, 1950: Sepúlveda et al. 1997: 371.

Piagetiella caputincisum Eichler, 1950: Price & Palma 1997: 587. Emendation.

Piagetiella caputincisum Eichler, 1950: Price et al. 2003: 134.

Holotype ♂ probably in ZMHG.

Type host: Phalacrocorax atriceps King, 1828.

Chilean host: Phalacrocorax gaimardi (Lesson & Garnot, 1828).

Other host: Phalacrocorax albiventer (Lesson, 1831).

Chilean localities: Bahía Concepción: Region VIII; Valdivia: Region XIV.

Geographic distribution: Southern South America; Antarctica.

Chilean references: Sepúlveda et al. (1997); this catalogue.

Other significant references: Clay & Moreby (1967); Price (1970); Clay (1976: 539); Price & Palma (1997); Price et al. (2003).

Remarks: Valdivia is a new locality record for Piagetiella caputincisum in Chile, based on a sample from Phalacrocorax gaimardi held in NHML (Shchedrina et al. 2017). All species of Piagetiella have an unusual feeding behaviour: they develop in the plumage but then migrate and enter the pouch of the host, where they attach firmly, feeding on skin, blood and mucus and, in extreme cases, causing serious damage to the host (Wobeser et al. 1974).