Colpocephalum heterosoma Piaget, 1880

Colpocephalum heterosoma Piaget, 1880: 572, pl. 48: figs 3–4.

Colpocephalum heterosoma Piaget, 1880; Kellogg 1906: 321.

Colpocephalum heterosoma Piaget, 1880; Clay 1951b: 1059, figs 1–7, 9–12.

Colpocephalum heterosoma Piaget, 1880; Price & Beer 1965: 128, figs 89–91.

Colpocephalum heterosoma Piaget, 1880; Galaz et al. 1999: 18, fig. 2.

Colpocephalum heterosoma Piaget, 1880; Price et al. 2003: 99.

Lectotype ♂ in NHML (see Clay 1951b: 1162).

Type host: Phoenicopterus ruber roseus Pallas, 1811.

Chilean host: Phoenicopterus chilensis Molina, 1782.

Other hosts: Phoenicopterus ruber ruber Linnaeus, 1758; Phoeniconaias minor (Geoffroy St.-Hilaire, 1798); Phoenicoparrus jamesi (Sclater, 1886).

Chilean locality: Salar Surire: Region XV.

Geographic distribution: All continents, except Antarctica.

Chilean references: Price & Beer (1965); Galaz et al. (1999).

Other significant references: Clay (1951); Clay (1974: 484); Price et al. (2003); Palma & Price (2010: 145); Palma & Peck (2013: 17).

Remarks:Among the three species of Colpocephalum parasitic on flamingoes, C. heterosoma is the most widespread, recorded from four host species belonging to three genera (Price et al. 2003: 99).