##### Summary Description of Data Depostion ################## These data were collected from arctic ground squirrels (Urocitellus parryii) between Summer 2016 and Spring 2019 on a collaborative NSF funded project awarded to Cory Williams(ctw55555@gmail.com) and Brian Barnes at University of Alaska Fairbanks (IOS-1558160 and IOS-1558056) with collaborators Andrew S. Loudon (University of Manchester), C. Loren Buck (Northern Arizona University), and Helen Christian (University of Oxford). Arctic ground squirrels were collected under IACUC protocol #1081763 through the University of Alaska Fairbanks and with state (ADF&G #16-074, #17-100, #18-188) and federal (BLM #F-94817) permits on the North Slope of Alaska along the Dalton Highway corridor near the Atigun River (68°27′N, 149°21′W). #### Description of file architecture ############## The data for this project are deposited in 4 zipped folders with one additional "Read Me" .txt file (this file) which describes file architecture. Most materials are deposited in a zipped folder called "CSVS and in situ images." This file contains all of the .csv files containing raw data for this project and it is organized by both experiment and data type. Additional information about these files can be found in additional "Read Me" explanatory .txt files within each subfolder. The remaining zipped folders called "tanycytes", "thyrotrophs", and "gonadotrophs" contain high resolution electron microscropy image files of cell types of interest. "Read me" files describing image file naming conventions are available in each of these subfolders.