Data for "Climate-driven tree mortality and fuel aridity increase wildfire’s potential heat flux" Created by Marissa J. Goodwin Temperature, 1000-hr Fuel Moisture Content (FMC) and Energy Release Component data used to generate Figure 1 were acquired from the publicly available GridMET dataset ( on May 13, 2021. Data was accessed via R and was not downloaded into CSV format. 1000-hr Fuel Moisture Content (FMC) and Temperature data for the southern Sierra Nevada used in Figure 2 and Calculation 1 were acquired from the publicly available Wildland Fire Assessment System dataset (WFAS, and the publicly available Remote Automatic Weather Station Climate Archive (RAWS,, respectively. Data was accessed on May 13, 2021. WFAS 1000-hr fuel moisture data for the southern Sierra Nevada can be found in the following dataframes: Mineral King.csv, Cedar Grove.csv, Grant Grove.csv, ash mountain.csv, Yosemite Valley.csv, Foresta.csv, Badger Pass.csv, wawona.csv, summit.csv, crane flat.csv, peddler.csv, mt elizabeth.csv, and Red Fir.csv. Columns in these dataframes are as follows: Site = Site Name Date = Date data was collected Fuel = Fuel Type Percent = Fuel Moisture Content RAWS climate data for the southern Sierra Nevada can be found in the following dataframes: Crane Flat Climate Data.csv, Mount Elizabeth Climate Data.csv, Wawona Climate Data.csv, Ash Mountain Climate Data.csv, and Cedar Grove Climate Data.csv Columns in these dataframes are as follows: mm/yyyy = Month and Year data was collected Temp.Ave = Average Monthly Temperature Ave.Daily.Max = Average Maximum Temperature (C) Max. = Maximum Temperature (C) Ave.Daily.Min = Average Minimum Temperature (C) Min. = Minimum Temperature (C) RH.Ave = Average Relative Humidity (%) Max. = Maximum Relative Humidity (%) Min. = Minimum Relative Humidity (%) Tot.Precip = Total Precipitation (mm) Forest Inventory and Analysis data presented in Figure 3 was acquired from the publicly available Forest Inventory and Analysis database ( on May 13, 2021. All data for California and Colorado was downloaded through the R software environment using the rFIA package. CSV's include plots within Rocky Mountain lodgepole pine forests (CO_lodgepole.csv) and southern Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forests (SN_mixedcon.csv). These dataframes contain the specific data presented in Figure 3. Columns in these dataframes are as follows: pltID = FIA plot identifier Pre = Pre Disturbance Dead Tree Basal Area in Feet per Acre Post = Post Disturbance Dead Tree Basal Area in Feet per Acre Period = 10-year measurement period Columns Pre and Post were used to calculate dead fuel loading (differences in dead tree basal area) in Calculation 4. 1000-hr Fuel Moisture Content (FMC) and Temperature data for the Colorado Rocky Mountains used in Calculations 2 and 3 were acquired from the publicly available Wildland Fire Assessment System dataset (WFAS, and the publicly available Remote Automatic Weather Station Climate Archive (RAWS,, respectively. Data was accessed on May 13, 2021. WFAS 1000-hr fuel moisture data for the Colorado Rocky Mountains can be found in the following dataframes: Red Feather.csv, Beaver Meadows.csv, Kawuneeche.csv, Harbison Meadow.csv, Gould.csv, Kinney Creek.csv. Columns in these dataframes are as follows: Site = Site Name Date = Date data was collected Fuel = Fuel Type Percent = Fuel Moisture Content RAWS climate data for the Colorado Rocky Mountains can be found in the following dataframe: Red.Feather.Temp.csv Columns in these dataframes are as follows: mm/yyyy = Month and Year data was collected Temp.Ave = Average Monthly Temperature Ave.Daily.Max = Average Maximum Temperature (C) Max. = Maximum Temperature (C) Ave.Daily.Min = Average Minimum Temperature (C) Min. = Minimum Temperature (C) Year = Year data was collected Month = Month data was collected