Lycoriella brevipila Tuomikoski, 1960

Literature. Lycoriella (Lycoriella) solani (Winnertz) — Menzel & Mohrig (1991): 40 [misidentification]. Lycoriella (Lycoriella) ingenua (Dufour) —Menzel & Mohrig (2000): 394, 611 [in part misidentification; only brevipila Tuomikoski as junior synonym of ingenua (Dufour)]; Pakalniškis et al. (2006): 62 [misidentification]. Lycoriella (Lycoriella) brevipila Tuomikoski — Tuomikoski (1960): 79, 82, figs 18b and 20b; Gerbachevskaja-Pavluchenko (1986): 32; Vilkamaa & Hippa (1999): 210, 241, fig. 20; Pakalniškis et al. (2000): 16; Menzel & Heller (2007): 220; Vilkamaa & Hippa 2011: 58, fig. 3. Lycoriella brevipila Tuomikoski — Hackman (1963): 15, 22, 26, 31, 33, 43, 47, 49 and 55; Lindroth et al. (1973): 24; Dobat (1975): 356; Gerbachevskaja (1969): 339, fig. 208.8; Gerbachevskaja-Pavluchenko (1986): 33; Gerbachevskaja (1988): 513, fig. 208.8; Rudzinski (1989): 72; Rudzinski (2003): 194; Heller et al. (2009): 41; Salmela et al. (2015): 87; Menzel (2018): 424; Vilkamaa & Menzel (2019): 51; Menzel et al. (2020): 64.

Material studied. RUSSIA, Chukotka, bank of river Anadyr, 64.72°N, 175.21°E, 25. VI –19. VII.2014, A. Barkalov, 6 males (3 in MZH,, and; 1 in ISEA; 2 in SDEI); Arkhangelsk Oblast, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, near Seyakh, 70.7788°N, 72.0750°E, nival meadow, Malaise trap, 13–29. VII.2014, N. Zubryi, 1 male (in MZH,

BIN. BOLD:ACC1679, BOLD:ACO1394, BOLD:ACP4705, [? BOLD:AAM9236].

Remarks. Lycoriella brevipila Tuomikoski, 1960 was often confused with Lycoriella ingenua (Dufour, 1839) in the past (e.g., in Menzel & Mohrig 2000) because the male genital structures are very similar. The specimens identified as ‘ Lycoriella brevipila ’ so far with pale setose flagellomeres, thorax, abdomen and male genital are almost certainly still a mixture of species whose morphological differences have not yet been sufficiently studied. The genetic diversity indicates that extensive taxonomic work remains to be done in this complex of very similar species. Thus, the Canadian specimens with BIN BOLD:AAM9236 could possibly correspond to Lycoriella pearyi sp. n. (Figs 8A, 9D). There are currently 58 specimens on BOLD that have been assigned to Lycoriella brevipila. Their COI sequences form 4 clusters with the BIN IDs BOLD:AAM9236 (27 specimens from Canada), BOLD: ACC1679 (5 from Belarus, Finland, Norway), BOLD:ACO1394 (16 from Belarus, Norway, Sweden), and BOLD: ACP4705 (10 from Belarus and Norway). The time-consuming verification of the discussed BINs by morphological studies on the corresponding specimens is postponed to a later date. There are almost certainly other species in this complex that do not belong to Lycoriella brevipila Tuomikoski.