{ "duration": { "LongName": "Event duration", "Description": "Duration of the event (measured from onset) in seconds", "Units": "second" }, "sample": { "LongName": "Sample", "Description": "Onset of the event according to the sampling scheme of the recorded modality" }, "trial_type": { "LongName": "Event categorization", "Description": "Primary categorisation of each trial to identify them as instances of the experimental conditions." }, "response_time": { "LongName": "Response time", "Description": "Response time measued in seconds.", "Units": "second" }, "stim_file": { "LongName": "Stimulus file location", "Description": "Represents the location of the stimulus file (image, video, sound etc.) presented at the given onset time. They should be stored in the /stimuli folder (under the root folder of the dataset; with optional subfolders). The values under the stim_file column correspond to a path relative to \"/stimuli\"." }, "onset": { "LongName": "Event onset", "Description": "Onset (in seconds) of the event measured from the beginning of the acquisition of the first volume in the corresponding task imaging data file", "Units": "second" }, "value": { "LongName": "Event marker", "Description": "Marker value associated with the event" } }