Drepanosticta hansruedii nom. nov.

Replacement name for Drepanosticta wildermuthi Phan, 2021

Etymology. The species epithet hansruedii, a noun in apposition, selected in dedication to Hansruedi Wildermuth, in appreciation of his support of the first author’s odonatological research in Vietnam via the International Dragonfly Fund.

Diagnosis. This species is distinguished from all other species in the D. carmichaeli -group by the form of its anal appendages, with the cerci seen in lateral view only gradually expanding from the downturn to rounded apices. See Phan et al. (2021) for a full diagnosis.

Type specimens. 1 m #, Doi Cao, Bao Loc District, Lam Dong Province (11.64306 N, 107.688 9 E, altitude 746 m), 15.iv.2017, Quoc Toan Phan leg. Deposited in the Zoological Collection of Duy Tan University, Da Nang city, Vietnam.