Thalassarachna basteri (Johnston, 1836)

Report associated with sponges: This species was reported from mud and sediments containing plant and animals, including sponge (Halicondria sp.), algae (Cystoclonium, Plocanium), pycnogonids, etc., from Helgoland, North Sea (Viets 1927a). This species was also reported from sand containing sponge Halicondria alongwith caprellids, gammarids, ostracods etc. from Bergen, Norway (Viets 1928).

Remarks: This species has been reported in various substrata (among sand, hydroids, bryozoans, bivalves, tubes of serpulid polychaetes, algae etc) from western, eastern North Atlantic, Baltic Sea and Mediterranean Sea (Newell 1947; Green & MacQuitty 1987; Bartsch 2009).