Scaphobaeocera lombokensis sp. nov.

Figs 114-115

Holotype: MHNG; ♂; Indonesia, Lombok Pusuk Pass, 300 m 3.XI.1991, I. Löbl degr. forest leaf litter.

Paratypes: MHNG; 1 ♂, 3 ♀; with the same data as the holotype.

Etymology: The species epithet is derived from the name of the island Lombok.

Description: Length 1.05-1.12 mm, width 0.53-0.55 mm, dorsoventral diameter 0.62-0.64 mm. Head and body fairly light reddish-brown, mesoventrite and metaventrite eventually darkened. Apex of abdomen, femora and tibiae slightly lighter, tarsi and antennae much lighter. Thorax and elytra lacking obvious microsculpture, not iridescent. Pronotal and elytral punctation similar, very fine. Length/width ratio of antennomeres as follows: III 14/5: IV 19/5: V 22/5: VI 20/5: VII 21/7: VIII 15/6: IX 24/9: X 24/10: XI 35/11. Scutellum concealed. Elytra with sutural striae starting at margin of pronotal lobe, parasutural striae indistinct. Hypomera without striae. Middle part of metaventrite flat, lacking impression or groove, entirely densely and distinctly punctate and with short pubescence. Lateral parts of metaventrite lacking microsculpture, very finely punctate, with sparse, short pubescence. Submesocoxal areas about 0.03 mm long, submesocoxal lines impunctate. Metanepisternum flat, parallel-sided, 0.03 mm wide. Tibiae straight. Abdominal sternite 1 without distinct basal punctures, punctation very fine.

Male: Protarsomeres 1 to 3 distinctly widened. Aedeagus (Figs 114-115) 0.27 mm long. Median lobe narrow, with long, moderately inflexed apical process. Apical process tapering in lateral view, with ventral side weakly concave. Articular process of median lobe small, not prominent. Parameres narrow between bases and apical halves, widened in apical halves and weakly sinuate in lateral view, with widest points being about in level with tip of median lobe; almost straight in dorsal view. Internal sac with flagellum fairly wide in proximal part, forming single complete loop, gradually narrowed apically.

Distribution: Indonesia: Lombok.

Type locality: Lombok Pusuk Pass, 300 m

Comments: The aedeagal characters suggest relationships with S. curvipes Löbl, 1977 from Australia, S. fratercula Löbl, 1984, S. molesta Löbl, 1999 from China, S. variabilis Löbl, 1981 from Japan and S. mussardi Löbl, 1971 known from the Indian subcontinent. Scaphobaeocera curvipes and S. mussardi possess flagellum forming two loops, and the parameres in the former species bear each a ventral membranous lobe, while they are gradually widened apically in the latter species. The new species may be readily distinguishes from S. curvipes by its smaller body-size and straight tibiae. Scaphobaeocera variabilis is distinctly microsculptured and iridescent dorsally and ventrally, has parameres widened in apical two thirds and flagellum forming three loops. Scaphobaeocera fratercula has the flagellum forming a single, incomplete loop and differs notably by its elytra with distinct parasutural striae and by the impunctate and grooved centre of the metaventrite. The flagellum in Scaphobaeocera molesta is marrow with abruptly widened base; in addition this species has a large and iridescent body, striate hypomera, and elytra with distinct parasutural striae.