Helix (Succinea) rufovirens S. Moricand, 1846

Figs 12-14

Helix (Succinea) rufovirens S. Moricand, 1846: 147, pl. 5 fig. 4. – Breure, 1979: 134. – Neubert & Janssen, 2004: 227, pl. 17 fig. 209.

Type locality: [Brazil] “le Brésil, dans la province de Bahia ”.

Label: “ Bahia ”, in Moricand’s handwriting.

Dimensions: Not given. Figured specimen H 11.8, D 14.2, W 3.3.

Type material: MHNG-INVE-64632, 50+ syntypes; 78493, 13 syntypes (ex Blanchet, Moricand coll.).

Remarks: Moricand did not state on how many specimens his description was based. Although he did not provide precise dimensions, he stated in the comparison with other species (S. Moricand, 1846: 148) “ S. rufovirens (…) à quatre tours et par sa hauteur égale à sa largeur”. The type material covers the whole range from juvenile to adult. The current systematic position follows Simone (2006).

Current systematic position: Simpulopsidae, Simpulopsis (Simpulopsis) rufovirens (S. Moricand, 1846).