No ,Variable name,Interpretation,General Abbreviations used in naming variables, 1,studyno,Anonymised participant study number,Abbreviation,Meaning 2,site,study site,S. aureus,Staphylococcus aureus 3,adherent_arm,adherence and trial arm,S. pneumoniae,Streptococcus pneumoniae 4,visit,study visit,H. influenzae,Haemophilus influenzae 5,agegpenrl,age group at enrolment,M. catarrhalis,Moraxella catarrhalis 6,vllogenrl,log of viral load at enrolment,GNB,Gram negative bacili 7,vlsupenrl,viral load category at enrolement,spt,Sputum 8,visit_date,visit date,NP,Nasopharyngeal swabs 9,fev1z,FEV1 z-score,azi,azithromycin 10,f24mrcscore,MRC dyspnoea score,cotri,cotrimoxazole 11,fev1_baseline,FEV1 z-score at baseline,tet,tetracycline 12,fevpcpred,FEV % predicted,clin,clindamycin 13,fvc,FVC,fox,cefoxitin 14,fvcz,FVC z-score,pen,penicillin 15,fvcpcpred,FVC % predicted,cxm,cefuroxime 16,fev1fvc,FEV1/FVC ratio,amp,ampicillin 17,fev1fvcz,FEV1/FVC z-score,aug,amoxicillin-clavulanate 18,cd4,CD4 count,oxa,oxacillin 19,vload,viral load ,staph,Staphylococcus aureus 20,sex,sex,haem,Haemophilus influenzae 21,month_year_birth,month and year of birth,morax,Moraxella catarrhalis 22,bmi,Body mass index,strep,Streptococcus pneumoniae 23,agey,participant age in years,gnb,Gram negative bacili 24,zwauk,weight-for-age z score,int,interpretation of susceptibility results 25,zhauk,height-for-age z score,enrl,at enrolment 26,zbmiuk,bmi-for-age z score,, 27,vllog,log of viral load at this visit,, 28,vlsup,viral load suppression (<1000 copies/ml),, 29,vlsup400,viral load suppression (<400 copies/ml),, 30,vlsup40,viral load suppression (<40 copies/ml),, 31,normalbmi,Is bmi normal (>=-2 or <-2)?,, 32,normalwaz,Is weight-for-age z score normal (>=-2 or <-2)?,, 33,normalhaz,Is weight-for-age z score normal (>=-2 or <-2)?,, 34,cd4gp,CD4 count category ( 200+ or <200),, 35,agegpsym,Age group category,, 36,abnrr,Is respiratory rate normal or abnormal?,, 37,abnsat,Is oxygen saturation normal or abnormal?,, 38,abnhr,Is heart rate normal or abnormal?,, 39,enrolmonth,Enrolment month,, 40,agegp,Age group category 2,, 41,ageyart,Age in years at Antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation,, 42,duryart,Duration in years of ART,, 43,duryartgp,Duration in years of ART category,, 44,attendschool,Does participant attend school?,, 45,datehiv,Date of HIV diagnosis,, 46,agehivdiag1,Age in years at HIV diagnosis,, 47,artdrug1stline,Is participant on first line ART?,, 48,artdrug2ndline,Is participant on second line ART?,, 49,endfollowup,date of end follow up,, 50,exitreason,Reason for exiting the study,, 51,dow,Date of withdrawal from study,, 52,dod,Date of death,, 53,lastvisit,Which visit was the last?,, 54,visittotno,Total number of visits participant attended,, 55,lastvisitdate,Date of last visit,, 56,endtreatdate,Date of treatment completion,, 57,treatstopreason,Reason for stopping the treatment,, 58,f25cough,has a cough now,, 59,f11cotri,taking CTX,, 60,f14adm,admitted for chest problems in last 12 mths,, 61,f15nadm,number of times admitted for chest problems,, 62,f16tbtreat,ever treated for TB,, 63,f17notbtreat,number of times treated for TB,, 64,f18breathe,currently breathless,, 65,f27sputum,coughing up sputum,, 66,sc04sccurrent,currently in school,, 67,sc05gradesc,same age as most children in grade,, 68,sc06misssc,days missed in last month,, 69,sc08repsc,ever repeated a grade,, 70,artreg,ART regiment,, 71,sp03date,Date of sputum collection,, 72,sampling_month_sp,Month of sputum collection,, 73,season1_sp,Season of sputum collection,, 74,colmonthgp_mal3_sp,Season of sputum collection categorisation 1,, 75,colmonthgp_zim3_sp,Season of sputum collection categorisation 2,, 76,colmonthgp1_sp,Season of sputum collection categorisation 3,, 77,colmonthgp2_sp,Season of sputum collection categorisation 4,, 78,sp08ind,was sputum induced?,, 79,trial_arm,Trial arm,, 80,sp15comm,comments on sputum collection,, 81,sp16dater,date sputum specimen was received,, 82,np07comm,comments on nasopharyngeal swab (NP) collection,, 83,np08dater,date nasopharyhgeal swab was received,, 84,sampling_month_np,Month of NP collection,, 85,season1_np,Season of NP collection,, 86,np_collected_site,Was NP collected from site?,, 87,redcap_corrected_barcode,Barcode of the NP sample,, 88,np_available_cultured,Was NP available for culture?,, 89,pid,NP sample longer unique identifer,, 90,date_performed,date the culturing of the NP sample was conducted,, 91,growth_status,indicates whether there was any growth of any bacteria at all after NP culture,, 92,staph_semi_quant,indicate semi-quantitative growth of NP S. aureus,, 93,staphless20col,less than 20 colonies of NP S. aureus?,, 94,haem_semi_quant,indicate semi-quantitative growth of NP H. influenzae,, 95,haemless20col,less than 20 colonies of NP H. influenzae?,, 96,strep_semi_quant,indicate semi-quantitative growth of NP S. pneumoniae,, 97,strepless20col,less than 20 colonies of NP S. pneumoniae?,, 98,morax_semi_quant,indicate semi-quantitative growth of NP M. catarrhalis,, 99,moraxless20col,less than 20 colonies of NP M. catarrhalis?,, 100,gnb_semi_quant,indicate semi-quantitative growth of NP Gram negative bacilli,, 101,gnbless20col,less than 20 colonies of NP Gram-negative bacilli?,, 102,no_other,The number of other bacteria that grew in addition to the 5 from NP culture,, 103,other1_semi_quant,indicate semi-quantitative growth of the first other bacteria from NP culture,, 104,other1_specify,Specify the name of the first other bacteria from NP culture,, 105,other1_col,indicate the number of colonies of the first other bacteria from NP culture if less than 20,, 106,other1b_specify,Specify the name of the first other bacteria from NP culture,, 107,other1_col_stored,was the first other bacteria colony from NP culture stored?,, 108,other2_semi_quant,indicate semi-quantitative growth of the second other bacteria from NP culture,, 109,other2_specify,Specify the name of the second other bacteria from NP culture,, 110,other2_col_stored,was second other bacteria colony from NP culture stored ?,, 111,qc_date,Date quality assurance was conducted on this NP entry,, 112,anybact_int,"Did any of the 4 bacteria of interest (strep, haem, morax, staph) from NP culture grow?",, 113,anybact,"How many of the 4 bacteria of interest (strep, haem, morax, staph) from NP culture grew?",, 114,any4_res_azi,"how many of the 4 bacteria of interest (strep, haem, morax, staph) from NP culture were resistant to azithromycin?",, 115,any4_res_azi_int,"Were any of the 4 bacteria of interest (strep, haem, morax, staph) from NP culture resistant to azithromycin?",, 116,any4_res_tet,"how many of the 4 bacteria of interest (strep, haem, morax, staph) from NP culture were resistant to tetracycline?",, 117,any4_res_tet_int,"Were any of the 4 bacteria of interest (strep, haem, morax, staph) from NP culture resistant to tetracycline?",, 118,staph_grew,Did S. aureus from NP grow on media?,, 119,staph_barcode, NP S. aureus barcode ,, 120,tet_staph_raw, NP S. aureus tetracycline diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 121,cotri_staph_raw, NP S. aureus cotrimoxazole diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 122,azi_staph_raw, NP S. aureus azithromycin diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 123,clin_staph_raw, NP S. aureus clindamycin diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 124,fox_staph_raw, NP S. aureus cefoxitin diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 125,pen_staph_raw, NP S. aureus penicillin diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 126,tet_staph_int,NP S. aureus susceptibility to tetracycline interpretation,, 127,tet_staph_resistant,Is NP S. aureus resistant to tetracycline?,, 128,cotri_staph_int,NP S. aureus susceptibility to cotrimoxazole interpretation,, 129,cotri_staph_resistant,Is NP S. aureus resistant to cotrimoxazole?,, 130,azi_staph_int,NP S. aureus susceptibility to azithromycin interpretation,, 131,azi_staph_resistant,Is NP S. aureus resistant to azithromycin?,, 132,clin_staph_int,NP S. aureus susceptibility to clindamycin interpretation,, 133,clin_staph_resistant,Is NP S. aureus resistant to clindamycin?,, 134,fox_staph_int,NP S. aureus susceptibility to cefoxitin interpretation,, 135,fox_staph_resistant,Is NP S. aureus resistant to cefoxitin?,, 136,pen_staph_int,NP S. aureus susceptibility to penicillin interpretation,, 137,pen_staph_resistant,Is NP S. aureus resistant to penicillin?,, 138,dphenotype,Was D phenotype observed?,, 139,haem_grew,Did H. influenzae from NP grow on media?,, 140,haem_barcode, NP H. influenzae barcode ,, 141,aug_haem_raw, NP H. influenzae amoxicillin-clavulanate diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 142,azi_haem_raw, NP H. influenzae azithromycin diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 143,amp_haem_raw, NP H. influenzae ampicillin diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 144,cxm_haem_raw, NP H. influenzae cefuroxime diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 145,cotri_haem_raw, NP H. influenzae cotrimoxazole diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 146,tet_haem_raw, NP H. influenzae tetracycline diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 147,aug_haem_int,NP H. influenzae susceptibility to amoxicillin-clavulanate interpretation,, 148,aug_haem_resistant,Is NP H. influenzae resistant to amoxicillin-clavulanate?,, 149,azi_haem_int,NP H. influenzae susceptibility to azithromycin interpretation,, 150,azi_haem_resistant,Is NP H. influenzae resistant to azithromycin?,, 151,amp_haem_int,NP H. influenzae susceptibility to ampicillin interpretation,, 152,amp_haem_resistant,Is NP H. influenzae resistant to ampicillin?,, 153,cxm_haem_int,NP H. influenzae susceptibility to cefuroxime interpretation,, 154,cxm_haem_resistant,Is NP H. influenzae resistant to cefuroxime?,, 155,cotri_haem_int,NP H. influenzae susceptibility to cotrimoxazole interpretation,, 156,cotri_haem_resistant,Is NP H. influenzae resistant to cotrimoxazole?,, 157,tet_haem_int,NP H. influenzae susceptibility to tetracycline interpretation,, 158,tet_haem_resistant,Is NP H. influenzae resistant to tetracycline?,, 159,nitrocefin_haem,NP H. influenzae nitrocefin results,, 160,strep_grew,Did S. pneumoniae from NP grow on media?,, 161,strep_barcode, NP S. pneumoniae barcode ,, 162,tet_strep_raw, NP S. pneumoniae tetracycline diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 163,oxa_strep_raw, NP S. pneumoniae oxacilin diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 164,azi_strep_raw, NP S. pneumoniae azithromycin diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 165,cotri_strep_raw, NP S. pneumoniae cotrimoxazole diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 166,tet_strep_int,NP S. pneumoniae susceptibility to tetracycline interpretation,, 167,tet_strep_resistant,Is NP S. pneumoniae resistant to tetracycline?,, 168,oxa_strep_int,NP S. pneumoniae susceptibility to oxacillin interpretation,, 169,oxa_strep_resistant,Is NP S. pneumoniae resistant to oxacillin?,, 170,azi_strep_int,NP S. pneumoniae susceptibility to azithromycin interpretation,, 171,azi_strep_resistant,Is NP S. pneumoniae resistant to azithromycin?,, 172,cotri_strep_int,NP S. pneumoniae susceptibility to cotrimoxazole interpretation,, 173,cotri_strep_resistant,Is NP S. pneumoniae resistant to cotrimoxazole?,, 174,morax_grew,Did M. catarrhalis from NP grow on media?,, 175,morax_barcode, NP M. catarrhalis barcode ,, 176,aug_morax_raw, NP M. catarrhalis amoxicillin-clavulanate diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 177,azi_morax_raw, NP M. catarrhalis azithromycin diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 178,tet_morax_raw, NP M. catarrhalis tetracycline diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 179,cotri_morax_raw, NP M. catarrhalis cotrimoxazole diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 180,aug_morax_int,NP M. catarrhalis susceptibility to amoxicillin-clavulanate interpretation,, 181,aug_morax_resistant,Is NP M. catarrhalis resistant to amoxicillin-clavulanate?,, 182,azi_morax_int,NP M. catarrhalis susceptibility to azithromycin interpretation,, 183,azi_morax_resistant,Is NP M. catarrhalis resistant to azithromycin?,, 184,tet_morax_int,NP M. catarrhalis susceptibility to tetracycline interpretation,, 185,tet_morax_resistant,Is NP M. catarrhalis resistant to tetracycline?,, 186,cotri_morax_int,NP M. catarrhalis susceptibility to cotrimoxazole interpretation,, 187,cotri_morax_resistant,Is NP M. catarrhalis resistant to cotrimoxazole?,, 188,nitrocefin_morax,NP M. catarrhalis nitrocefin results,, 189,gnb_grew,Did Gram negative bacili from NP grow on media?,, 190,gnb_barcode, NP M. catarrhalis barcode ,, 191,gnb_id_1,Identity of NP Gram negative bacili determined by MALDI-TOF,, 192,sp_collected_site,Was Sputum collected from site?,, 193,sp18labnost_corrected_selective,Barcode of the Sputum sample from site,, 194,sp_available_cultured,Was Sputum available for culture?,, 195,redcap_corrected_barcode_spt,Barcode of the Sputum sample from lab where culturing was done,, 196,redcap_pid_spt,Sputum sample longer unique identifer,, 197,collection_date_redcap_spt,sample collection date as captured in the lab where culture was done,, 198,date_performed_spt,date the culturing of the Sputum sample was conducted,, 199,growth_status_spt,indicates whether there was any growth of any bacteria at all after Sputum culture,, 200,staph_semi_quant_spt,indicate semi-quantitative growth of Sputum S. aureus,, 201,staphless20col_spt,less than 20 colonies of Sputum S. aureus?,, 202,haem_semi_quant_spt,indicate semi-quantitative growth of Sputum H. influenzae,, 203,haemless20col_spt,less than 20 colonies of Sputum H. influenzae?,, 204,strep_semi_quant_spt,indicate semi-quantitative growth of Sputum S. pneumoniae,, 205,strepless20col_spt,less than 20 colonies of Sputum S. pneumoniae?,, 206,morax_semi_quant_spt,indicate semi-quantitative growth of Sputum M. catarrhalis,, 207,moraxless20col_spt,less than 20 colonies of Sputum M. catarrhalis?,, 208,morax_stored_spt,was sputum M. catarrhalis stored?,, 209,gnb_semi_quant_spt,indicate semi-quantitative growth of Sputum Gram negative bacilli,, 210,gnbless20col_spt,less than 20 colonies of Sputum Gram-negative bacilli?,, 211,no_other_spt,The number of other bacteria that grew in addition to the 5 from Sputum culture,, 212,other1_semi_quant_spt,indicate semi-quantitative growth of the first other bacteria from Sputum culture,, 213,other1_specify_spt,Specify the name of the first other bacteria from Sputum culture,, 214,other1_col_spt,indicate the number of colonies of the first other bacteria from Sputum culture if less than 20,, 215,other1_col_stored_spt,was the first other bacteria colony from Sputum culture stored?,, 216,other2_semi_quant_spt,indicate semi-quantitative growth of the second other bacteria from Sputum culture,, 217,other2_specify_spt,Specify the name of the second other bacteria from Sputum culture,, 218,other2_col_spt,indicate the number of colonies of the second other bacteria from Sputum culture if less than 20,, 219,other2_col_stored_spt,was second other bacteria colony from Sputum culture stored ?,, 220,qc_date_spt,Date quality assurance was conducted on this Sputum entry,, 221,any4_res_azi_spt,"how many of the 4 bacteria of interest (strep, haem, morax, staph) from Sputum culture were resistant to azithromycin?",, 222,any4_res_azi_int_spt,"Were any of the 4 bacteria of interest (strep, haem, morax, staph) from Sputum culture resistant to azithromycin?",, 223,anybact_spt,"Did any of the 4 bacteria of interest (strep, haem, morax, staph) from Sputum culture grow?",, 224,anybact_int_spt,"How many of the 4 bacteria of interest (strep, haem, morax, staph) from Sputum culture grew?",, 225,any4_res_tet_spt,"how many of the 4 bacteria of interest (strep, haem, morax, staph) from Sputum culture were resistant to tetracycline?",, 226,any4_res_tet_int_spt,"Were any of the 4 bacteria of interest (strep, haem, morax, staph) from Sputum culture resistant to tetracycline?",, 227,staph_grew_spt,Did S. aureus from Sputum grow on media?,, 228,staph_barcode_spt, Sputum S. aureus barcode ,, 229,tet_staph_raw_spt, Sputum S. aureus tetracycline diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 230,cotri_staph_raw_spt, Sputum S. aureus cotrimoxazole diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 231,azi_staph_raw_spt, Sputum S. aureus azithromycin diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 232,clin_staph_raw_spt, Sputum S. aureus clindamycin diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 233,fox_staph_raw_spt, Sputum S. aureus cefoxitin diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 234,pen_staph_raw_spt, Sputum S. aureus penicillin diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 235,tet_staph_int_spt,Sputum S. aureus susceptibility to tetracycline interpretation,, 236,tet_staph_resistant_spt,Is Sputum S. aureus resistant to tetracycline?,, 237,cotri_staph_int_spt,Sputum S. aureus susceptibility to cotrimoxazole interpretation,, 238,cotri_staph_resistant_spt,Is Sputum S. aureus resistant to cotrimoxazole?,, 239,azi_staph_int_spt,Sputum S. aureus susceptibility to azithromycin interpretation,, 240,azi_staph_resistant_spt,Is Sputum S. aureus resistant to azithromycin?,, 241,clin_staph_int_spt,Sputum S. aureus susceptibility to clindamycin interpretation,, 242,clin_staph_resistant_spt,Is Sputum S. aureus resistant to clindamycin?,, 243,fox_staph_int_spt,Sputum S. aureus susceptibility to cefoxitin interpretation,, 244,fox_staph_resistant_spt,Is Sputum S. aureus resistant to cefoxitin?,, 245,pen_staph_int_spt,Sputum S. aureus susceptibility to penicillin interpretation,, 246,pen_staph_resistant_spt,Is Sputum S. aureus resistant to penicillin?,, 247,dphenotype_spt,Was D phenotype observed?,, 248,haem_grew_spt,Did H. influenzae from Sputum grow on media?,, 249,haem_barcode_spt, Sputum H. influenzae barcode ,, 250,aug_haem_raw_spt, Sputum H. influenzae amoxicillin-clavulanate diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 251,azi_haem_raw_spt, Sputum H. influenzae azithromycin diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 252,amp_haem_raw_spt, Sputum H. influenzae ampicillin diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 253,cxm_haem_raw_spt, Sputum H. influenzae cefuroxime diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 254,cotri_haem_raw_spt, Sputum H. influenzae cotrimoxazole diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 255,tet_haem_raw_spt, Sputum H. influenzae tetracycline diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 256,aug_haem_int_spt,Sputum H. influenzae susceptibility to amoxicillin-clavulanate interpretation,, 257,aug_haem_resistant_spt,Is Sputum H. influenzae resistant to amoxicillin-clavulanate?,, 258,azi_haem_int_spt,Sputum H. influenzae susceptibility to azithromycin interpretation,, 259,azi_haem_resistant_spt,Is Sputum H. influenzae resistant to azithromycin?,, 260,amp_haem_int_spt,Sputum H. influenzae susceptibility to ampicillin interpretation,, 261,amp_haem_resistant_spt,Is Sputum H. influenzae resistant to ampicillin?,, 262,cxm_haem_int_spt,Sputum H. influenzae susceptibility to cefuroxime interpretation,, 263,cxm_haem_resistant_spt,Is Sputum H. influenzae resistant to cefuroxime?,, 264,cotri_haem_int_spt,Sputum H. influenzae susceptibility to cotrimoxazole interpretation,, 265,cotri_haem_resistant_spt,Is Sputum H. influenzae resistant to cotrimoxazole?,, 266,tet_haem_int_spt,Sputum H. influenzae susceptibility to tetracycline interpretation,, 267,tet_haem_resistant_spt,Is Sputum H. influenzae resistant to tetracycline?,, 268,nitrocefin_haem_spt,Sputum H. influenzae nitrocefin results,, 269,strep_grew_spt,Did S. pneumoniae from Sputum grow on media?,, 270,strep_barcode_spt, Sputum S. pneumoniae barcode ,, 271,tet_strep_raw_spt, Sputum S. pneumoniae tetracycline diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 272,oxa_strep_raw_spt, Sputum S. pneumoniae oxacilin diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 273,azi_strep_raw_spt, Sputum S. pneumoniae azithromycin diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 274,cotri_strep_raw_spt, Sputum S. pneumoniae cotrimoxazole diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 275,tet_strep_int_spt,Sputum S. pneumoniae susceptibility to tetracycline interpretation,, 276,tet_strep_resistant_spt,Is Sputum S. pneumoniae resistant to tetracycline?,, 277,oxa_strep_int_spt,Sputum S. pneumoniae susceptibility to oxacillin interpretation,, 278,oxa_strep_resistant_spt,Is Sputum S. pneumoniae resistant to oxacillin?,, 279,azi_strep_int_spt,Sputum S. pneumoniae susceptibility to azithromycin interpretation,, 280,azi_strep_resistant_spt,Is Sputum S. pneumoniae resistant to azithromycin?,, 281,cotri_strep_int_spt,Sputum S. pneumoniae susceptibility to cotrimoxazole interpretation,, 282,cotri_strep_resistant_spt,Is Sputum S. pneumoniae resistant to cotrimoxazole?,, 283,morax_grew_spt,Did M. catarrhalis from Sputum grow on media?,, 284,morax_barcode_spt, Sputum M. catarrhalis barcode ,, 285,aug_morax_raw_spt, Sputum M. catarrhalis amoxicillin-clavulanate diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 286,azi_morax_raw_spt, Sputum M. catarrhalis azithromycin diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 287,tet_morax_raw_spt, Sputum M. catarrhalis tetracycline diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 288,cotri_morax_raw_spt, Sputum M. catarrhalis cotrimoxazole diameter of zone of inhibition in milimeters,, 289,aug_morax_int_spt,Sputum M. catarrhalis susceptibility to amoxicillin-clavulanate interpretation,, 290,aug_morax_resistant_spt,Is Sputum M. catarrhalis resistant to amoxicillin-clavulanate?,, 291,azi_morax_int_spt,Sputum M. catarrhalis susceptibility to azithromycin interpretation,, 292,azi_morax_resistant_spt,Is Sputum M. catarrhalis resistant to azithromycin?,, 293,tet_morax_int_spt,Sputum M. catarrhalis susceptibility to tetracycline interpretation,, 294,tet_morax_resistant_spt,Is Sputum M. catarrhalis resistant to tetracycline?,, 295,cotri_morax_int_spt,Sputum M. catarrhalis susceptibility to cotrimoxazole interpretation,, 296,cotri_morax_resistant_spt,Is Sputum M. catarrhalis resistant to cotrimoxazole?,, 297,nitrocefin_morax_spt,Sputum M. catarrhalis nitrocefin results,, 298,gnb_grew_spt,Did Gram negative bacili from Sputum grow on media?,, 299,gnb_barcode_spt,Sputum Gram negative bacili barcode ,, 300,gnb_id_1_spt,Identity of Sputum Gram negative bacili determined by MALDI-TOF,, 301,adherence,Adherence to treatment,, 302,mrcscore,"MRC dyspnoea score category, 1 and >1",, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,,