Cybaeus monticolus Kobayashi, 2006

Cybaeus monticolus Kobayashi, 2006: 42–44, figs 58–64.

Cybaeus monticola: Ihara 2009: 167, figs 2-2-30-221–2-2-30- 223 (an incorrect subsequent spelling); Ono and Ogata 2018: 615 (mentioned in a list; an incorrect subsequent spelling following WSC); Sugawara et al. 2021: 224, 231 (an incorrect subsequent spelling following WSC).

Types. Holotype and one paratype designated by Kobayashi (2006); both deposited in the arachnological collection at the National Museum of Nature and Science, Tsukuba (NSMT-Ar).

Type locality. Hodono (ca. 35.46°N, 138.00°E), Kamimura, Iida City, Nagano Prefecture, Honshu, Japan (Kobayashi 2006).

Etymology. Part of speech (noun or adjective) not explicitly stated by Kobayashi (2006). Name derived from Latin words meaning ‘living in mountains’ (an adjectival participial phrase), therefore possibly intended to be adjectival with a Latin ending to match the genus; but also possibly a noun, based on the Latin common-gender noun monticola with an (unnecessarily) gender-adjusted ending.