{ "normalForm": true, "headword": "VOLUNTĀS, -ātis", "etymology": [{ "period": "PIE", "form": "*u̯elh₁- [aor.], *u̯ei̯h₁-", "def": "'to strive after, pursue'", "certitude": true }, { "period": "PIt", "form": "*wel-mi, -si, -ti [pr.], *wel-e/o- [sb.], *wel-ī- [opt.]", "def": "", "certitude": true }], "dataFormat": "cent", "meanings": [{ "definition": "the state of wanting to do something, will", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "spvf", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": -3, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "PLAUT. Merc. 321 hoc non voluntas me impulit.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [{"rel": "ilwqtf", "cert": true}, {"rel": "pmwwyg", "cert": true}, { "rel": "hjkhxahq", "cert": true }, {"rel": "socsjv", "cert": true}, {"rel": "gkocqnpd", "cert": true}], "unspecified": [{"rel": "ckaksp", "cert": true}] } }] }, { "definition": "what one wants to happen or be done, one’s will or wish ", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "pmwwyg", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": -1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "POMPON. Com. 105 populis voluntas haec enim et vulgo datast.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [{"rel": "spvf", "cert": true}], "destinations": [{"rel": "ilwqtf", "cert": true}, {"rel": "ficxdt", "cert": true}, { "rel": "vgsyomc", "cert": true }, {"rel": "kiani", "cert": true}], "unspecified": [] } }] }, { "definition": "a wish (to do, bring about, etc. something) ", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "ilwqtf", "category": "Modal: deontic volition", "emergence": -1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "CIC. Catil. 4, 14 omnia… constituta sunt… cum mea summa cura… tum multo etiam maiore populi Romani… ad communis fortunas conservanda voluntate.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [{"rel": "spvf", "cert": true}, {"rel": "pmwwyg", "cert": true}], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [{"rel": "qqj", "cert": true}] } }] }, { "definition": "a last wish ", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "qqj", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": -1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "CIC. de orat. 1, 242 defensionem testamentorum ac voluntatis mortuorum. ", "certainty": true, "relationships": {"origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [{"rel": "ilwqtf", "cert": true}]} }] }, { "definition": "willingness, approval ", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "hjkhxahq", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": -2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "CAECIL. Com. 135 edepol voluntas homini rarenter venit.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [{"rel": "spvf", "cert": true}], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [{"rel": "hjiua", "cert": true}] } }] }, { "definition": "choice, option ", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "ficxdt", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": -1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "CIC. Phil. 12, 27 voluntate hospitem, necessitate hostem.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [{"rel": "pmwwyg", "cert": true}], "destinations": [{"rel": "mrdqql", "cert": true}], "unspecified": [{"rel": "wltka", "cert": true}] } }] }, { "definition": "deliberate choice ", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "wltka", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": -1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "VAR. L. 10, 15 quod alia sunt a voluntate, alia a natura.", "certainty": true, "relationships": {"origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [{"rel": "ficxdt", "cert": true}]} }] }, { "definition": "something given voluntarily ", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "mrdqql", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": 2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "ULP. Dig. 50, 12, 3, 1 aequissimum est enim huiusmodi voluntates in civitates collatas paenitentia non revocari.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [{"rel": "ficxdt", "cert": true}, {"rel": "scg", "cert": true}], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [] } }] }, { "definition": "one’s intention ", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "vgsyomc", "category": "Modal: deontic intention", "emergence": -1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "CAES. Civ. 3, 84, 1 temptandum… quidnam Pompeius propositi aut voluntatis ad dimicandum haberet.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [{"rel": "pmwwyg", "cert": true}], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [{"rel": "pjag", "cert": true}] } }] }, { "definition": "intention, import (of speech or writing) ", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "pjag", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": -1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "VAR. L. 9, 1 ut neutrius videatur pervidisse voluntatem.", "certainty": true, "relationships": {"origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [{"rel": "vgsyomc", "cert": true}]} }] }, { "definition": "tendency of one’s will, inclination", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "iolzh", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": -2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "TER. Andr. 879 adeo inpotenti esse animo, ut praeter ciuium morem atque legem et sui voluntatem patris tamen hanc habere studeat cum summo probro!", "certainty": true, "relationships": {"origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": []} }] }, { "definition": "one’s sentiment towards a person or thing, disposition ", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "kiani", "category": "Modal: deontic volition", "emergence": -1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "CIC. Dom. 9 propter eorum egregiam in me conservando voluntatem.", "certainty": true, "relationships": {"origins": [{"rel": "pmwwyg", "cert": true}], "destinations": [], "unspecified": []} }] }, { "definition": "favorable disposition, goodwill, sympathy ", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "hjiua", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": -2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "TER. Ph. 29 voluntas vostra si ad poetam accesserit.", "certainty": true, "relationships": {"origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [{"rel": "hjkhxahq", "cert": true}]} }] }, { "definition": "of one’s own will, voluntarily ", "construct": "Voluntate", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "ckaksp", "category": "Modal: deontic volition", "emergence": -3, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "PLAUT. Mil. 450 nisi voluntate ibis, rapiam te domum. ", "certainty": true, "relationships": {"origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [{"rel": "spvf", "cert": true}]} }] }, { "definition": "against (one’s) wishes ", "construct": "Contra voluntatem", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "iffew", "category": "Modal: deontic volition", "emergence": -1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "CIC. Inv. 2, 52 invito senatu et omnino contra voluntatem omnium optimatium… legem agrariam ferebat.", "certainty": true, "relationships": {"origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [{"rel": "scg", "cert": true}]} }] }, { "definition": "according to (one’s) wish ", "construct": "Ex voluntate", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "socsjv", "category": "Modal: deontic volition", "emergence": -2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "SCIP. MIN. orat. 23 adductum primo coetu damnavi, damnatum ex voluntate dimisi.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [{"rel": "spvf", "cert": true}], "destinations": [{"rel": "scg", "cert": true}], "unspecified": [{"rel": "gkocqnpd", "cert": true}] } }] }, { "definition": "according to (one’s) wish ", "construct": "Ad voluntatem", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "scg", "category": "Modal: deontic volition", "emergence": -1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "LENT. Fam. 12, 15, 3 ad illorum voluntatem introductus in urbem.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [{"rel": "socsjv", "cert": true}], "destinations": [{"rel": "mrdqql", "cert": true}], "unspecified": [{"rel": "iffew", "cert": true}] } }] }, { "definition": "with the consent or agreement (of)", "construct": "Voluntate + Genitive", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "gkocqnpd", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": -2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "TER. Ph. 725 volo ipsius quoque voluntate haec fieri, ne se eiectam praedicet.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [{"rel": "spvf", "cert": true}], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [{"rel": "socsjv", "cert": true}] } }] }] }