{ "normalForm": true, "headword": "ILLICITUS, -a, -um", "etymology":[ { "period": "PIE", "form": "*n-", "def": "'not, un-'", "certitude": true }, { "period": "PIt", "form": "*n- + *lik-ē- ", "def": "'not, un-' + 'to be available, be offered for sale, have the value of'", "certitude": true }], "dataFormat": "cent", "meanings":[ { "definition": "Not allowed, forbidden, prohibited", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis":[ { "id": "ipfvtei", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": 1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "SEN. Ag. 299 Venere tantum scimus illicita virum (Aegisthum).", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins":[], "destinations":[ { "rel": "nscrzvo", "cert": true }, { "rel": "qjkwjcga", "cert": true }, { "rel": "scwxg", "cert": true }], "unspecified":[ { "rel": "xyygjd", "cert": true }] } }] }, { "definition": "Illegitimate", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis":[ { "id": "qjkwjcga", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": 5, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "CARM. de Sod. 111 Hinc habet in falso de vero fabula famam, solies progeniem currus optasse paternos nec valuisse levem puerum frenare superbos ignis equos, arisse orbem : tunc fulmine raptum aurigam illicitum planctum mutasse sorores (i. e. Phaethontem)", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins":[ { "rel": "ipfvtei", "cert": true }], "destinations":[], "unspecified":[] } }] }, { "definition": "What is not allowed, prohibited", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis":[ { "id": "xyygjd", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": 1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "SEN. Herc. f. 595 da, Phoebe, veniam, si quid illicitum tui videre vultus.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins":[], "destinations":[], "unspecified":[ { "rel": "ipfvtei", "cert": true }] } }] }, { "definition": "Wrongdoing", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis":[ { "id": "scwxg", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": 5, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "COD. THEOD. 8, 15, 2 amissione etiam pretii illicitis ac detestandis emptoribus puniendis.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins":[ { "rel": "ipfvtei", "cert": true }], "destinations":[], "unspecified":[] } }] }, { "definition": "It is forbidden", "construct": "Illicitum est and similar", "group": "_", "analysis":[ { "id": "nscrzvo", "category": "Modal: deontic", "emergence": 2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "VULG. I par. 15, 2 illicitum est, ut a quocumque portetur arca dei (οὐϰ ἔστιν ἆϱαι).", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins":[ { "rel": "ipfvtei", "cert": true }], "destinations":[], "unspecified":[] } }] }] }