Published December 31, 2009 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Le detroit des Portes de Fer existait-il pendant le Neogene?

  • 1. Institut de Géologie et Géophysique, 1, rue Caransebes, R-79673, Bucarest


Abstract. The modern Danube River crosses the Carpathians along the Iron Gates gorges. Such an impressive geographic feature promotes ideas about a somewhat similar communication way between the Neogene Dacian and Pannonian basins. This attractive hypothesis is sometimes contradicted by detailed geological data, especially sedimentation palaeoenvironments and fossil bio-communities significance.



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  • Cvijiĉ J., 1908; Gillet S., Marinescu Fl. , 1971; Marinescu Fl., et al., 1978;
  • Marinescu Fl., 1977; Marunteanu M., Stancu J., 1986; Stancu J. et al.,
  • 1971; Stevanoviĉ P.M., Petronijeviĉ Z., 1951