Vibilia chuni Behning & Woltereck, 1912

Vibilia chuni Behning & Woltereck, 1912: 8‒9, figs. 7‒8; Brusca, 1981: 17 (key), 39, fig. 4r; Vinogradov et al., 1996: 243 (key), 268‒270, fig. 109; Siegel-Causey, 1982: 116 (key), 125; Shih & Hendrycks, 2003: 255 (tab. 1), 256 (tab. 2), 292 (key), 280, figs. 10, 11; Zeidler, 2003: 13 (key), 57‒59, fig. 26; Brusca & Hendrickx, 2005: 149 (list); García Madrigal, 2007: 144 (list); Lavaniegos & Hereu, 2009: 142 (tab. 1), 146 (tab. 2), 151 (Appendix 1); Gasca et al., 2012: 126 (tab. 1); Valencia & Giraldo, 2012: 1492 (tab. 1); Valencia et al. 2013: 51 (tab. 1); Lavaniegos, 2014: 18 (tab. 2), 19‒21 (passim); 2017: 18 (tab. 2).

Vibilia hodgsoni Stewart 1913: 251‒253, pl. 6, figs. 1‒6.

Material examined. 2M and 3F from three localities (Fig. 3). TALUD V. St. 5 (22°00’57”N, 106°40’00”W), December 13, 2000, 3F, MN from surface to ca. 1400 m (TD> 1600 m) (ICML-EMU-12850). TALUD VI. St. 22 (24°17’34”N, 108°50’25”W), March 15, 2001, 1M, MN from surface to 1410 m (TD, 1760 m) (ICML-EMU- 12851); St. 29 (25°16’24”N, 109°24’54”W), March 16, 2001, 1M, MN from surface to 1440 m (TD, 2080 m) (ECO-CH-Z-10552).

Distribution. Circumtropical (Vinogradov et al. 1996). In the eastern Pacific it ranges from off the Baja California Peninsula and in the Gulf of California south to Gorgona Island, Colombia (García- Madrigal 2007, Valencia & Giraldo 2012), with one isolated record at 35°18’N (Shih & Hendrycks 2003).

Remarks. According to Vinogradov et al. (1996), V. chuni always occurs in small numbers. Present records confirm this suggestion. Shih & Hendrycks (2003) collected this species from surface to 230 m depth.