J/other/Galax/9.99 Giant Radio Galaxies in RACS (Andernach+, 2021) ================================================================================ Discovery of 178 Giant Radio Galaxies in 1059 deg^2^ of the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey at 888 MHz. Andernach H., Jimenez Andrade E.F., Willis A.G. =2021Galax...9...99A (SIMBAD/NED BibCode) ================================================================================ ADC_Keywords: Active gal. nuclei ; Radio sources ; Surveys ; Galaxies, radio Keywords: galaxies: active - radio sources: radio galaxies Abstract: We report the results of a visual inspection of images of the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (RACS) in search of extended radio galaxies (ERG) that reach or exceed linear sizes on the order of one Megaparsec. We searched a contiguous area of 1059deg^2^ from RA=20h20m to 06h20m, and -50{deg}1Mpc, of which 18 exceed 2Mpc and the largest one is 3.4Mpc. Their redshifts range from 0.02 to about 2.0, but only 10 of the 178 new GRS have spectroscopic redshifts. For the 146 host galaxies the median r-band magnitude and redshift are 20.9 and 0.64, while for the 32 quasars or candidates these are 19.7 and 0.75. Merging the six most recent large compilations of GRS results in 458 GRS larger than 1Mpc, so we were able to increase this number by about 39 per cent to now 636. Description: We report radio and optical parameters of 181 giant radio sources (GRS) with projected linear sizes larger than 1 Mpc in a high Galactic latitude area between -50 and -40 degrees Declination (J2000), of which 178 were newly discovered by us through visual inspection of the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (RACS) 888-MHz images. File Summary: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadMe 80 . This file table2.dat 147 181 Radio and Optical data for 181 Giant Radio Galaxies -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also: J/A+A/635/A5 : LoTSS giant radio galaxies. I. (Dabhade+, 2020) Byte-by-byte Description of file: table2.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 11 A11 --- Jname GRS object designation, JHHMM+DDMMC (1) 13 A1 --- Origin Survey in which the GRS was seen first (2) 15- 22 F8.4 deg RAdeg Right ascension (J2000) of GRS host 24- 31 F8.4 deg DEdeg Declination (J2000) of GRS host 34 A1 --- l_LAS [>] Limit flag on LAS 35- 39 F5.2 arcmin LAS Largest projected angular size of GRS 40 A1 --- u_LAS [?] Uncertainty flag on LAS 42 A1 --- l_z [>] Limit flag on redshift 43- 49 F7.5 --- z Redshift 51 A1 --- u_z [?] Uncertainty flag on redshift (3) 53 A1 --- ztype [spe] Type of redshift: s = spectroscopic, p = photometric, e = estimated by us 55- 62 A8 --- r_z References used for redshifts (4) 64 A1 --- l_LLS [>] Limit flag on LLS 65- 68 F4.2 Mpc LLS Largest projected linear size (5) 70- 93 A24 --- Host Name of GRS host object (6) 95 A1 --- u_Host [?] Uncertainty flag on host (7) 97- 98 A2 --- Class Type of host of the GRS (8) 100-104 F5.2 mag rmag r-band magnitude of host from DES 105 A1 --- u_rmag [?] Uncertainty flag on rmag 107-113 F7.1 mJy S888 Integrated 888-MHz flux density 116-120 F5.2 W/Hz logP888 decimal log of 888-MHz spectral power 123-125 I3 deg RPA [0,179] Radio position angle (N through E) 128-147 A20 --- Rmorph Morphological type of radio emission according to table 1 of the paper -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): in the format JHHMM+DDMMC (truncated J2000 host coordinates); a "C" in byte 11 indicates that the object is a candidate, due to either uncertain radio size, redshift or optical host identification or a combination thereof. Note (2): Survey in which the GRS was seen first code as follows: P = previously published (3 GRS) A = ATESP (3 GRS), E = EMU Pilot Survey (8 GRS) S = SUMSS (45 GRS) R = RACS (122 GRS) Note (3): a '?' sign indicates inconsistencies between published photometric redshifts or uncertainties in the estimation method Note (4): References are coded with the following numbers: 1 = Zhou et al., 2021MNRAS.501.3309Z (DESI DR9) 2 = Bilicki et al., 2016ApJS..225....5B (WISE-SuperCosmos) 3 = Bilicki et al., 2014ApJS..210....9B (2MPZ) 4 = Burgess & Hunstead, 2006AJ....131..114B, Cat. J/AJ/131/114 5 = Colless et al., 2001MNRAS.328.1039C, Cat. VII/250 (2dF) 6 = Jones & Mcadam, 1992ApJS...80..137J, Cat. J/ApJS/80/137 7 = Jones et al., 2009MNRAS.399..683J, cat. VII/259 (6dF) 8 = Krogager et al., 2018ApJS..235...10K 9 = Flesch, 2021arXiv210512985F, Cat. VII/290 (Milliquas) 10 = Danziger et al., 1978MNRAS.184..341D 11 = Danziger & Goss, 1983MNRAS.202..703D 12 = Loveday et al., 1996ApJS..107..201L, Cat. J/ApJS/107/201 13 = Wisotzki et al., 2000A&A...358...77W, Cat. J/A+A/358/77 14 = Shu et al., 2019MNRAS.489.4741S Note (5): based on H_0_=70km/s/Mpc, Omega_m_=0.3, Omega_Lambda_=0.7; note that the flags l_LAS, u_LAS, and l_z apply to LLS as well. Note (6): one GRS (J0131-4901) has a recognizable host on DESI DR9 images, but is too faint to be listed in the corresponding object catalogue Note (7): a '?' indicates that this is the most likely host (see text) Note (8): Type of host of the GRS as follows: G = galaxy GP = galaxy pair Q = quasar Qc = quasar candidate G? = likely a galaxy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acknowledgements: Heinz Andernach, heinz(at)ugto.mx References: McConnell et al., 2020PASA...37...48M, The Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey I Hale et al., 2021arXiv21090095, The Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey II ================================================================================ (End) Heinz Andernach [Univ. Guanajuato], Patricia Vannier [CDS] 31-Oct-2021 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J0004-4205 S 001.1349 -42.0852 2.95 0.53 p 1,2 1.11 DES J000432.36-420506.7 G 20.80 84. 25.93 27 FRIIrelic,ncor J0011-4001 A 002.7774 -40.0253 2.6 0.881 s 13 1.08 HE 0008-4018 Q 17.44 30.3 26.01 59 FRIIcoredom J0014-4542C R 003.6338 -45.7011 4.2 0.296 p 1,3 1.11 DES J001432.11-454204.1 ? G 19.53 13.4 24.55 56 FRIIremn,ncor,asym J0016-4541 R 004.0419 -45.6857 2.2 1.07 p 1,8 1.07 DES J001610.05-454108.6 G 22.49 13.9 25.87 112 FRIIremn J0017-4449 R 004.3794 -44.8306 2.05 1.12 p 1 1.01 DES J001731.05-444950.2 G 22.95 61.9 26.57 141 FRIIrelic J0020-4625 R 005.0739 -46.4173 2.44 0.65 p 1,2 1.01 DES J002017.74-462502.2 G 20.66 87.4 26.16 12 FRIIremn J0023-4732 R 005.9779 -47.5410 3.25 0.52 p 1 1.21 DES J002354.69-473227.6 ? G 21.49 32.4 25.50 22 FRIIncor,naked J0024-4816 R 006.0832 -48.2691 5.8 0.268 p 1,2 1.43 DES J002419.94-481608.5 G 18.37 34.8 24.87 50 FRIIrelic,ncor J0024-4848 R 006.0838 -48.8115 2.37 0.9 p 1,8 1.11 DES J002420.12-484841.5 GQ 22.65 31.0 26.04 138 FRII J0025-4946 R 006.3780 -49.7787 3.42 0.51 p 1 1.27 DES J002530.72-494643.4 G 20.70 12.9 25.08 11 FRIIcoredom J0027-4746 S 006.7520 -47.7750 4.47 0.84 p 1 2.05 DES J002700.50-474630.0 G 21.42 211.9 26.80 149 FRII J0029-4601 R 007.4194 -46.0246 2.79 0.50 p 1 1.02 DES J002940.66-460128.7 G 20.26 7.2 24.80 152 FRI/II,faint J0031-4826 R 007.9993 -48.4343 3.09 0.65 p 1 1.28 DES J003159.82-482603.5 G 21.59 42.1 25.84 167 FRIIncor J0035-4824 R 008.9547 -48.4161 2.9 0.94 p 1 1.37 DES J003549.12-482458.0 G 23.02 59.8 26.37 80 FRIIncor ? J0036-4138 R 009.1483 -41.6435 2.55 0.57 p 1 1.00 DES J003635.58-413836.7 G 21.35 27.6 25.52 102 FRIIremn,ncor J0038-4741C R 009.5398 -47.6938 2.3 1.17 p 1 1.14 DES J003809.54-474137.8 ? G 23.49 37.9 26.40 160 FRIIncor J0040-4817 R 010.1491 -48.2885 7.08 0.53 p 1,2 2.67 DES J004035.77-481718.6 G 20.22 14.8 25.18 177 FRI/II J0041-4738 R 010.3071 -47.6373 3.84 >0.4 ? p 1,3,8,9 >1.24 DES J004113.71-473814.4 Qc 18.10 5.0 24.42 139 FRII J0044-4915 S 011.1276 -49.2545 2.4 0.7 ? p 1,8 1.03 DES J004430.62-491516.1 Qc 17.00 267.1 26.72 120 FRII J0052-4206 R 013.1866 -42.1058 2.14 0.92 p 1 1.01 DES J005244.79-420620.8 G 22.79 19.0 25.85 0 FRIIrelic,ncor J0052-4238 R 013.1770 -42.6461 2.4 0.87 ? p 1,8,9 1.11 DES J005242.47-423845.8 Qc 19.97 14.7 25.68 12 FRIIremn J0054-4825 R 013.6751 -48.4269 2.55 0.80 p 1 1.15 DES J005442.02-482536.7 G 22.26 37.7 26.00 82 FRIIremn J0054-4952 R 013.7436 -49.8739 9.67 0.47 p 1,2 3.42 DES J005458.45-495226.0 G 19.74 24.0 25.26 156 FRII J0103-4324 R 015.7548 -43.4082 2.8 0.874 p 1 1.30 DES J010301.15-432429.5 G 21.51 17.8 25.77 131 FRIIrelic J0105-4505 S 016.3425 -45.0881 2.85 0.69 p 1,4 1.21 DES J010522.19-450517.2 G 20.23 4291.9 27.91 56 FRII J0106-4602 S 016.5371 -46.0387 3.39 0.478 p 1 1.21 DES J010608.90-460219.3 G 20.20 37.0 25.47 30 FRIIncor J0108-4843 R 017.0196 -48.7175 4.2 0.503 p 1 1.54 DES J010804.70-484302.9 ? G 20.65 7.5 24.83 118 FRIIremn J0116-4000 A 019.0221 -40.0130 3.42 1.06 p 1 1.66 DES J011605.29-400046.6 G 22.95 59.8 26.49 27 FRII J0116-4555 R 019.1479 -45.9257 4.5 1.015 p 1 2.17 DES J011635.50-455532.6 Qc 23.72 15.3 25.86 132 FRIInaked J0116-4722 P 019.1043 -47.3782 11.2 0.146 s 11 1.70 2MASX J01162507-4722406 G 15.62 4210. 26.37 169 FRII,DDRG J0121-4656 R 020.3779 -46.9399 2.68 0.813 p 1 1.21 DES J012130.69-465623.6 G 22.29 39.8 26.04 27 FRIIncor J0125-4110 R 021.4841 -41.1696 8.0 0.11852 s 7 1.03 2MASX J01255616-4110102 G 15.93 90.1 24.51 27 FRI/II,WAT? J0126-4407 R 021.7427 -44.1182 3.9 0.364 p 1,2 1.19 DES J012658.24-440705.6 G 19.18 18.9 24.91 176 FRI/IIremn J0127-4610 R 021.8368 -46.1770 4.67 0.72 p 1,9 2.03 DES J012720.83-461037.0 Qc 19.78 112.2 26.37 174 FRIIasym J0129-4330 R 022.3443 -43.5151 2.2 0.919 p 1 1.03 DES J012922.62-433054.3 G 24.32 11.3 25.62 164 FRIIncor J0131-4901 R 022.9477 -49.0263 2.43 1.0 ? e - 1.17 (DESI J022.9477-49.0263) G 24.5 ? 45.4 26.32 17 FRIIremn J0133-4431 R 023.4138 -44.5170 2.1 1.048 p 1 1.02 DES J013339.30-443101.1 G 22.34 274.1 27.14 6 FRII J0133-4655 R 023.3367 -46.9171 2.5 0.65 p 1,9 1.04 DES J013320.80-465501.4 G 20.25 38.4 25.80 10 FRIIremn J0135-4249 R 023.8273 -42.8276 2.64 2.0 ? p 8 1.33 DES J013518.56-424939.4 Qc 22.67 34.7 26.91 168 FRII J0138-4116 R 024.6351 -41.2714 2.75? 0.954 p 1 1.31 DES J013832.41-411616.9 G 22.03 12.0 25.69 172 FRI/II,hymor? J0138-4231 S 024.6632 -42.5272 46. 0.02123 s 5 1.19 NGC 641; ESO 244-G042 G 12.04 334.6 23.53 37 FRI/II J0141-4759 R 025.3820 -47.9861 3.0 0.984 p 1 1.44 DES J014131.67-475909.9 G 22.10 263.6 27.06 139 FRII J0148-4814C R 027.2305 -48.2365 4.2 0.264 p 1,2 1.03 DES J014855.31-481411.2 G 18.44 24.0 24.69 114 FRIIremn J0149-4036 S 027.3344 -40.6159 2.4 0.7 ? p 1,8,9 1.03 DES J014920.26-403657.3 Qc 19.33 46.2 25.95 35 FRI/IIremn J0150-4507 S 027.5045 -45.1258 6.64 0.25 p 1,2 1.56 2MASX J01500108-4507331 G 17.59 105.7 25.28 10 FRII J0150-4634 S 027.6889 -46.5833 2.48 0.88 p 1 1.15 DES J015045.33-463459.8 G 22.14 33.3 26.05 21 FRIIremn,precess? J0205-4206 S 031.4603 -42.1121 4.6 0.31941 s 7 1.28 HE 0203-4221 Q 15.81 261.8 25.92 68 FRIIrelic J0206-4514 R 031.5664 -45.2382 3.25 0.631 p 1 1.33 DES J020615.92-451417.3 G 20.47 61.1 25.97 55 FRIIncor J0212-4447 R 033.1357 -44.7957 3.38 1.191 p 1 1.68 DES J021232.56-444744.4 Qc 23.69 20.6 26.15 144 FRIInaked J0213-4744 P 033.2902 -47.7370 6.65 0.220 s 10 1.42 2MASX J02130961-4744128 G 17.35 2050. 26.45 171 FRIIplumes J0215-4024 S 033.8490 -40.4069 3.16 0.42 p 1,2 1.05 DES J021523.75-402424.9 G 20.34 585.5 26.54 126 FRIIplumes J0223-4226 R 035.9365 -42.4352 4.0 >0.650 p 1 >1.66 DES J022344.76-422606.7 ? G 22.60 40.2 25.82 176 FRII J0223-4826 S 035.8849 -48.4483 2.34 0.70 p 1 1.00 DES J022332.36-482654.0 G 21.03 347.3 26.83 158 FRII J0236-4456 R 039.1024 -44.9405 3.42 0.859 p 1 1.58 DES J023624.58-445625.6 G 21.75 58.3 26.27 156 FRII J0247-4334 S 041.8256 -43.5719 3.65 1.25 p 1,8 1.83 DES J024718.13-433418.9 GQ 22.42 52.3 26.61 26 FRII J0252-4941 R 043.1323 -49.6991 2.85 0.664 p 1 1.20 DES J025231.75-494156.7 G 20.67 16.7 25.46 6 FRIIrelic,coredom J0253-4806 R 043.4708 -48.1082 3.0 0.623 p 1 1.22 DES J025352.99-480629.6 G 20.37 15.9 25.37 31 FRIIrelic J0259-4840 S 044.9775 -48.6795 3.22 0.93 p 1 1.52 DES J025954.60-484046.2 G 21.63 325.0 27.09 111 FRII J0310-4740 S 047.5660 -47.6774 3.38 0.55 p 1 1.30 DES J031015.84-474038.5 ? G 20.21 204.4 26.35 106 FRII J0315-4443 R 048.8579 -44.7257 3.5 0.362 p 1,2 1.06 DES J031525.88-444332.4 G 19.17 21.8 24.96 106 FRII J0320-4515 P 050.2397 -45.2530 27.2 0.0633 s 6 1.99 ESO 248-G010; MSH 03-43 G 14.33 5500. 25.72 47 FRII J0320-4845 R 050.0403 -48.7665 2.67 0.645 p 1 1.11 DES J032009.68-484559.2 ? Qc 23.89 25.3 25.61 88 FRIIncor J0328-4208 R 052.1877 -42.1493 4.50 0.55 p 1,8,9 1.73 DES J032845.03-420857.6 Qc 18.56 39.2 25.64 35 FRIIasym J0342-4019 S 055.6854 -40.3272 4.5 0.69 p 1 1.92 DES J034244.49-401937.7 G 20.45 382.8 26.86 107 FRII J0344-4817 R 056.0404 -48.2896 3.36 0.380 p 1 1.05 DES J034409.70-481722.4 G 20.51 32.1 25.18 159 FRIIncor J0346-4253 R 056.5079 -42.8945 2.75 0.604 p 1 1.11 DES J034601.89-425340.0 ? G 20.66 50.8 25.84 146 FRIIrelic J0349-4302C R 057.3790 -43.0424 2.7 0.879 p 1 1.24 DES J034930.95-430232.4 ? G 23.56 6.7 25.35 31 FRIIncor J0352-4536 R 058.2474 -45.6046 2.4 0.65 p 1 1.00 DES J035259.37-453616.6 G 21.59 87.3 26.16 14 FRIIrelic,asym J0352-4626 R 058.0616 -46.4406 2.8 0.591 p 1 1.12 DES J035214.77-462626.1 G 20.89 125.7 26.22 82 FRIIrelic J0352-4756 R 058.1879 -47.9477 2.7 0.927 p 1 1.27 DES J035245.09-475651.8 G 21.50 9.7 25.57 135 FRIIrelic J0353-4446 R 058.3342 -44.7831 3.55 0.353 s 13 1.06 HE 0351-4455 Q 16.69 367.3 26.16 87 FRIIbent J0354-4728 R 058.5263 -47.4737 2.95 1.021 p 1 1.42 DES J035406.30-472825.1 G 22.90 90.0 26.63 60 FRIIncor J0355-4258C R 058.7883 -42.9702 2.28 0.81 p 1 1.03 DES J035509.18-425812.7 ? G 22.19 48.1 26.12 119 FRIIrelic J0356-4503 S 059.1046 -45.0665 2.1 1.13 p 1 1.03 DES J035625.11-450359.2 G 24.12 69.9 26.63 80 FRII J0359-4800 R 059.8806 -48.0059 2.9 0.679 p 1 1.23 DES J035931.34-480021.3 G 20.73 28.2 25.71 10 FRII J0406-4429 S 061.7500 -44.4945 11.8 0.1408 s 7 1.76 2MASX J04065999-4429400 G 15.60 18.1 23.97 105 FRI/IIremn J0406-4544 S 061.5326 -45.7476 6.4 0.315 p 1,2 1.77 DES J040607.82-454451.2 G 18.26 77.0 25.37 131 FRII J0407-4538 R 061.8515 -45.6480 2.23 0.903 p 1 1.04 DES J040724.34-453852.8 ? G 22.40 32.6 26.07 28 FRIIrelic J0410-4012 R 062.5550 -40.2104 2.33 0.91 p 1 1.09 DES J041013.20-401237.4 ? G 22.41 34.8 26.10 31 FRIIbent J0412-4819C S 063.1106 -48.3220 4.3 >0.26 p 1 >1.04 DES J041226.53-481919.2 GP 19.63 45.0 24.95 89 FRIIncor ? J0420-4509 S 065.2422 -45.1645 7.2 0.32 p 1,2,9 2.00 DES J042058.13-450952.0 G 19.04 440.6 26.14 133 FRIIplume J0422-4518C R 065.5653 -45.3096 > 7.5 ? 0.388 p 1,2 2.37 DES J042215.67-451834.6 G 19.69 69.0 25.53 61 FRI J0425-4340C R 066.2899 -43.6825 2.38 0.895 p 1 1.11 DES J042509.56-434056.8 G 21.62 86.2 26.48 144 FRII J0425-4823 S 066.3343 -48.3871 2.46 0.86 p 1,8 1.13 DES J042520.22-482313.5 GQ 21.09 137.0 26.64 129 FRII J0429-4517 S 067.3708 -45.2908 5.0 0.545 p 1,2 1.91 DES J042928.98-451726.7 G 19.74 195.5 26.33 15 FRIIrelic J0431-4823 R 067.9135 -48.3954 2.76 0.704 p 1 1.19 DES J043139.24-482343.3 G 21.71 51.9 26.01 122 FRII J0433-4022 R 068.3570 -40.3824 2.85 0.555 p 1 1.10 DES J043325.68-402256.7 G 21.14 20.4 25.36 7 FRIIrelic J0433-4948 R 068.3529 -49.8026 2.51 0.592 p 1 1.00 DES J043324.68-494809.2 ? G 21.46 27.2 25.55 35 FRI/IIcoredom,hymor? J0440-4742 R 070.1712 -47.7097 6.63 0.302 p 1,2 1.78 DES J044041.09-474234.9 G 18.56 36.3 25.00 52 FRIIremn J0442-4716 R 070.5712 -47.2812 3.4 0.356 p 1,2 1.02 DES J044217.08-471652.4 G 18.35 8.2 24.52 72 FRIIrelic J0448-4151 S 072.2195 -41.8611 4.08 0.694 p 1 1.74 DES J044852.67-415140.0 G 21.45 93.8 26.25 174 FRII J0449-4022 S 072.2808 -40.3793 2.2 0.9 ? p 1,8,9 1.03 DES J044907.38-402245.4 Qc 19.65 35.5 26.10 159 FRII J0450-4722 S 072.5735 -47.3736 2.35 1.5 p 8,9 1.19 DES J045017.64-472225.1 Qc 17.23 597.9 27.85 45 FRII J0452-4040 S 073.2427 -40.6699 4.05 0.33 p 1,2 1.15 DES J045258.25-404011.5 G 18.84 102.6 25.54 8 FRIIncor J0457-4137 R 074.2901 -41.6327 2.76 0.596 p 1 1.10 DES J045709.61-413757.6 G 21.07 21.3 25.45 35 FRIIncor J0457-4445 R 074.4563 -44.7635 3.55 0.581 p 1,2 1.40 DES J045749.50-444548.4 G 20.69 24.1 25.48 125 FRIIasym J0458-4659 S 074.5083 -46.9964 3.25 0.45 p 1,2 1.12 DES J045801.98-465947.1 G 19.95 626.3 26.64 118 FRIIrelic J0459-4507 S 074.9130 -45.1326 2.45 0.62 p 1 1.00 DES J045939.12-450757.3 G 20.75 74.7 26.04 23 FRII J0459-4637 R 074.8534 -46.6192 6.43 0.310 p 1,2 1.76 DES J045924.80-463709.1 G 18.20 30.0 24.95 171 FRIIrelic J0500-4242 R 075.0310 -42.7108 5.88 1.1 p 1,8,9 2.88 DES J050007.44-424238.7 Qc 18.87 25.0 26.15 73 FRIInaked J0502-4723C R 075.6359 -47.3996 2.75 0.94 p 1 1.30 DES J050232.61-472358.4 ? G 23.44 12.5 25.69 72 FRII J0507-4248 S 076.9394 -42.8065 3.7 0.46 p 1,8 1.29 DES J050745.45-424823.3 Qc 18.76 73.1 25.73 81 FRII J0508-4737C R 077.0647 -47.6263 6.54 0.421 p 1,2 2.17 DES J050815.53-473734.5 G 18.94 60.5 25.55 35 FRII J0509-4619 R 077.3847 -46.3188 2.74 0.66 p 1 1.15 DES J050932.33-461907.6 G 21.22 39.1 25.82 107 FRII J0519-4654 S 079.7541 -46.9148 3.8 0.5 ? p 1 1.39 DES J051900.97-465453.3 ? G 21.48 114.2 26.00 123 FRII J0524-4235C R 081.0285 -42.5939 6.16 >0.65 ? p 1,8 >2.56 DES J052406.82-423537.9 Qc 19.89 42.1 25.84 166 FRII? J0524-4903 R 081.1285 -49.0535 2.28 1.14 p 1 1.12 DES J052430.84-490312.5 Qc 23.88 25.8 26.20 42 FRII? J0528-4057 R 082.1046 -40.9601 2.4 0.9 ? p 1,8 1.12 DES J052825.10-405736.3 Qc 23.24 32.9 26.07 167 FRII J0532-4118 R 083.2079 -41.3158 2.74 0.72 p 1 1.19 DES J053249.90-411856.8 G 20.94 22.1 25.66 44 FRII,WAT? J0533-4312 R 083.4847 -43.2054 4.15 0.70 p 1 1.78 DES J053356.31-431219.5 G 21.33 36.4 25.85 102 FRIIncor J0533-4907 S 083.4639 -49.1298 3.25 0.50 p 1,2 1.19 DES J053351.34-490747.3 G 19.93 85.7 25.88 38 FRIIasym J0545-4350 R 086.4777 -43.8415 4.88 0.64 p 1 2.01 DES J054554.64-435029.2 G 20.47 41.8 25.82 59 FRIIncor J0550-4014 R 087.6864 -40.2486 3.1 0.9 ? p 1,8 1.45 DES J055044.73-401455.1 Qc 21.65 48.0 26.23 40 FRIIrelic J0551-4519 R 087.7760 -45.3332 2.3 1.07 p 1 1.12 DES J055106.24-451959.6 G 22.59 59.3 26.50 81 FRII J0551-4902 R 087.9728 -49.0364 3.0 1.31 p 1 1.51 DES J055153.46-490211.0 G 24.25 10.3 25.95 50 FRII J0554-4103 S 088.6400 -41.0624 3.00 0.87 p 1 1.39 DES J055433.59-410344.5 G 22.34 162.5 26.73 109 FRII J0600-4908 R 090.1793 -49.1469 3.55 1.2 p 1 1.77 DESI J090.1793-49.1469 ? G? 23.49 61.2 26.63 79 FRIIasym ? J0604-4459 R 091.1750 -44.9970 3.07 0.78 p 1 1.37 DES J060441.98-445949.1 G 22.29 72.6 26.26 158 FRII J0609-4518 R 092.3167 -45.3051 5.99 0.513 p 1 2.22 DES J060915.99-451818.2 G 19.37 52.0 25.69 2 FRII J0618-4628 S 094.7272 -46.4721 7.32 0.39 p 1,2 2.32 DES J061854.52-462819.3 G 19.57 252.3 26.10 9 FRII J2022-4156 R 305.5250 -41.9452 2.52 0.800 p 1 1.14 DES J202206.00-415642.8 Qc 21.31 40.5 26.03 74 FRII J2022-4618 R 305.5850 -46.3011 3.6 0.35 ? p 1,2 1.06 DES J202220.40-461803.8 ? Qc 20.00 33.7 25.12 14 FRIIncor,asym J2024-4947 R 306.2337 -49.8000 2.65 0.86 p 1 1.22 DES J202456.08-494759.8 ? G 21.77 17.9 25.75 174 FRIIrelic,ncor J2025-4003 R 306.2775 -40.0619 6.0 0.57 p 1 2.35 DES J202506.58-400342.8 G 21.08 185.2 26.35 10 FRII J2029-4119 S 307.4041 -41.3174 4.0 0.355 p 1,2 1.20 DES J202936.98-411902.7 G 18.45 1350. 26.73 148 FRII J2041-4546 R 310.3727 -45.7767 2.8 0.82 p 1 1.27 DES J204129.45-454636.2 G 20.91 100.2 26.45 22 FRII J2042-4801 R 310.5939 -48.0302 2.2 0.83 p 1 1.00 DES J204222.52-480148.8 G 21.75 43.2 26.10 60 FRIIrelic J2045-4340 R 311.2527 -43.6793 3.5 0.978 p 1 1.67 DES J204500.64-434045.5 G 23.33 135.3 26.77 66 FRIIrelic J2049-4014 R 312.2829 -40.2416 3.8 0.475 p 1,2 1.35 DES J204907.89-401429.7 G 20.01 10.9 24.93 125 FRIIrelic J2050-4647 S 312.5283 -46.7885 4.91 0.55 p 1,2 1.89 DES J205006.79-464718.5 G 20.76 74.9 25.92 0 FRII J2052-4813 E 313.0764 -48.2225 4.91 0.395 p 1,2 1.57 DES J205218.33-481321.2 G? 19.71 55.4 25.45 77 FRII J2054-4431 R 313.7169 -44.5245 3.0 0.55 p 1 1.16 DES J205452.05-443128.3 G 20.50 12.1 25.13 34 FRIIrelic J2055-4413C R 313.8971 -44.2268 3.1 0.399 p 1,2 1.00 DES J205535.29-441336.5 G 19.25 6.3 24.52 179 FRIIrelic J2056-4821 E 314.0627 -48.3567 7.0 0.35 p 1,2,8 2.07 DES J205615.04-482123.9 G 19.14 10.2 24.60 98 FRII J2056-4845 E 314.2441 -48.7567 2.35 0.94 p 1 1.11 DES J205658.59-484524.4 G 22.43 21.3 25.92 21 FRII J2108-4336 R 317.1310 -43.6134 2.95 1.06 p 1 1.44 DES J210831.43-433648.3 G 22.06 124.6 26.81 84 FRII J2110-4112 R 317.5495 -41.2031 3.9 0.392 p 1,2 1.24 DES J211011.87-411211.1 G 18.50 56.1 25.45 0 FRIIbent,WAT? J2111-4948 E 317.9387 -49.8122 4.49 0.283 p 1,2 1.15 DES J211145.28-494843.9 G 18.70 24.3 24.77 32 FRII J2117-4415 R 319.3348 -44.2578 3.2 0.7 ? p 1,2,8,9 1.37 DES J211720.35-441528.1 Qc 19.34 66.3 26.11 23 FRII J2138-4435C R 324.6969 -44.5844 4.39 1.06 p 1 2.14 DES J213847.26-443503.7 G 22.52 13.0 25.83 114 FRII J2144-4818 E 326.0088 -48.3159 7.95 0.136 p 1,2 1.15 2MASX J21440210-4818581 G 17.03 191.2 24.96 167 FRIIremn,ncor J2149-4226 R 327.3891 -42.4441 2.63 0.66 p 1,2,8,9 1.12 DES J214933.38-422638.7 GQ 19.56 402.0 26.83 163 FRII J2152-4911 E 328.1957 -49.1952 2.95 0.58 p 1,2 1.16 DES J215246.97-491142.9 ? G 20.05 30.7 25.58 102 FRII J2154-4552 S 328.5959 -45.8753 7.2 0.1453 s 7 1.10 2MASX J21542297-4552315 G 16.12 1105.5 25.79 40 FRIIasym J2155-4235 S 328.8819 -42.5867 3.47 >0.70 p 8,9,14 >1.49 DES J215531.65-423512.0 Qc 18.46 132.5 26.41 38 FRII J2202-4004 R 330.6272 -40.0686 5.1 0.86 p 1 2.35 DES J220230.53-400406.8 ? G 21.62 39.1 26.09 166 FRII J2205-4810 R 331.4580 -48.1686 2.65 0.60 p 1 1.06 DES J220549.91-481007.0 GP 21.47 16.3 25.34 161 FRIIrelic J2215-4225 R 333.8671 -42.4300 3.5 0.42 p 1 1.16 DES J221528.11-422548.0 G 18.75 8.1 24.68 22 FRIIremn J2216-4328 R 334.2185 -43.4674 2.05 1.6 ? p 1,8 1.04 DES J221652.36-432802.2 ? Qc 24.60 5.0 25.84 164 FRII J2218-4959 E 334.5944 -49.9908 2.4 0.8 ? p 1 1.03 DES J221822.66-495927.0 G 24.35 10.0 25.43 78 FRII J2219-4748 R 334.7847 -47.8047 3.1 0.46 p 1,2 1.08 DES J221908.32-474816.8 Qc 18.78 10.3 24.88 172 FRIIrelic J2220-4854 E 335.1798 -48.9048 2.53 0.80 p 1 1.14 DES J222043.14-485417.1 G 20.42 16.1 25.64 125 FRII J2224-4724 S 336.0727 -47.4009 3.7 0.85 p 1 1.70 DES J222417.45-472403.2 G 22.66 96.7 26.48 85 FRII J2226-4316 R 336.6399 -43.2765 13.8 0.09309 s 12 1.43 2MASX J22263358-4316356 G 17.75 170. 24.56 153 FRIIremn J2226-4624C R 336.7430 -46.4036 2.62 1.40 p 1 1.33 DES J222658.31-462413.1 Qc 23.88 44.9 26.66 11 FRIIncor J2228-4210 S 337.0102 -42.1740 4.94 0.55 ? p 1,2 1.90 DES J222802.44-421026.4 G 20.51 93.8 26.02 171 FRII J2232-4025 R 338.1574 -40.4270 3.78 0.68 p 1 1.60 DES J223237.77-402537.2 G 21.21 12.8 25.37 25 FRIIrelic J2236-4113 R 339.2012 -41.2225 4.56 0.3 p 1,2,9 1.22 DES J223648.28-411321.0 G 19.12 61.0 25.22 13 FRII J2239-4450 S 339.8511 -44.8384 3.4 0.42 p 1 1.13 DES J223924.27-445018.1 G 19.84 34.8 25.31 156 FRII J2240-4724 S 340.1112 -47.4028 12. 0.09161 s 7 1.23 2MASX J22402674-4724100 G 15.41 53. 24.04 25 FRIIremn,DDRG? J2245-4239 R 341.4210 -42.6533 2.54 1.00 p 1 1.22 DES J224541.03-423911.8 G 21.48 15.5 25.85 7 FRII J2246-4934 R 341.7351 -49.5830 3.4 0.80 p 1 1.53 DES J224656.42-493458.9 G 21.87 27.7 25.87 170 FRII J2247-4034 A 341.7816 -40.5705 2.75 0.53 p 1,8,9,14 1.04 DES J224707.59-403413.7 Qc 19.72 64.5 25.82 16 FRII J2247-4753 R 341.9390 -47.8977 3.6 0.34 p 1 1.05 DES J224745.37-475351.8 G 21.69 7.0 24.41 30 FRII J2250-4751 S 342.6531 -47.8643 4.04 0.32 p 1,2 1.13 DES J225036.75-475151.5 G 18.84 22.6 24.85 121 FRII J2253-4424 R 343.2764 -44.4038 2.53 1.07 p 1 1.23 DES J225306.34-442413.6 ? G 22.25 63.1 26.53 175 FRIIncor J2258-4819 R 344.5067 -48.3254 3.0 0.98 p 1 1.43 DES J225801.59-481931.2 G 22.99 17.3 25.87 63 FRII J2301-4359 R 345.4059 -43.9971 8.0 0.11685 s 7 1.01 2MASX J23013741-4359497 G 15.33 160.6 24.75 7 FRI/IIrelic,precess J2306-4045 S 346.6868 -40.7622 5.24 0.28 p 1,2 1.33 DES J230644.84-404543.9 G 19.31 46.9 25.04 94 FRIIremn,ncor J2307-4049 R 346.8101 -40.8251 3.3 0.71 p 1 1.42 DES J230714.42-404930.5 G 21.66 16.0 25.51 179 FRII J2317-4645 R 349.3573 -46.7614 2.7 0.80 p 1 1.22 DES J231725.76-464540.8 Qc 20.40 23.2 25.79 55 FRII J2319-4449 R 349.8362 -44.8181 2.8 0.76 p 1 1.24 DES J231920.68-444905.1 G 20.94 33.5 25.90 22 FRII J2325-4153 R 351.3907 -41.8939 3.0 0.51 p 1 1.11 DES J232533.76-415338.0 G 20.22 21.6 25.30 122 FRIIremn,ncor J2325-4311 R 351.2995 -43.1922 4.48 1.03 p 1 2.17 DES J232511.86-431131.9 G 22.82 42.2 26.31 85 FRII J2331-4928 R 352.9503 -49.4797 2.44 1.24 p 1 1.22 DESI J352.9504-49.4797 G 24.05 66.2 26.70 49 FRIIrelic J2345-4642 R 356.4543 -46.7158 4.2 0.56 p 1 1.63 DES J234549.04-464256.8 G 19.98 76.6 25.95 67 FRIIncor J2345-4754 R 356.3691 -47.9028 2.5 0.74 p 1 1.09 DES J234528.57-475410.1 G 21.27 15.1 25.53 165 FRI/II J2347-4047 R 356.9115 -40.7904 4.0 0.50 p 1 1.46 DES J234738.75-404725.5 Qc 22.61 12.7 25.05 156 FRII J2347-4837 R 356.9846 -48.6326 2.48 1.35 p 1,8,9 1.25 DES J234756.29-483757.3 Qc 18.13 21.3 26.30 139 FRIIrelic J2350-4232 S 357.5374 -42.5375 2.6 0.99 p 1 1.25 DES J235008.98-423215.1 G 22.59 25.1 26.05 167 FRIIrelic J2357-4010 R 359.3201 -40.1831 3.55 0.50 p 1 1.29 DES J235716.83-401059.0 G 20.34 48.7 25.64 81 FRIIrelic