12. Chionanthus subcapitatus (Merr.) B.H.Quang in Bui et al. (2014: 197).

Linociera subcapitata Merrill (1942: 189). Ho (2003: 885, Fig. 7666), Ly (2003: 1169).

TYPE: — VIETNAM. Lang Son: Mau Son massif, ca. 1200 m, January 1925, P.A. Pételot 1720 (holotype: A: 00063060 photo!; image of holotype: K!; isotype: VNM: 00015739!).

Image of holotype available at


Literature: — de Juana Clavero (2016: 15).

Etymology: —The specific epithet “ subcapitatus ” apparently refers to subcapitate inflorescences (described by Merrill, 1942, as small depressed-globose heads of sessile or subsessile flowers), which are unique for the genus in Asia.

Vernacular name: —Vietnamese: Tráng đầu.