GPS_Rissa.csv datetime = date and time of class "POSIXct" "POSIXt" - UTC (Universal Time, Coordinated) Latitude = Latitude WGS84 Longitude = Longitude WGS84 trackID = track ID, corresponding to the whole tracking length (between capture and recapture) Speed = speed between two locations (m/s) birdTrip = trip ID (i.e., many trips per track) nPoints = number of GPS locations per trip maxDist = maximum distance flew per trip (km) ring = individual ring number colony = colony name stage = breeding stage; "Incubation" or "Chick Rearing" sex = male or female. NA corresponding to unknown Nest = nest ID Year = year of sampling GF_Use.csv trackID = track ID, corresponding to the whole tracking length (between capture and recapture) birdTrip = trip ID (i.e., many trips per track) maxDist = maximum distance flew in the trip (km) ring = individual ring number colony = colony name stage = breeding stage; "Incubation" or "Chick Rearing" Nest = nest ID Year = year of sampling Prop.All = trip-based. Proportion of the trip that was spent at glacier fronts Time.All = trip-based.Time duration (min) of glacier fronts use Bin.All = trip-based. Is the tracked individual used at least one glacier front (1 = Yes; 0 = No) proportion = glacier-based. Proportion of the trip that was spent at a specific glacier front binom = glacier-based. Is the tracked individual used the specific glacier front (1 = Yes; 0 = No) time = glacier-based. Time duration (min) of specific glacier front use distance = distance (km) separating the individual's colony centroid and the specific glacier front glacier = glacier names