This file contains information and explanations for the data sets that accompany the following publication: Schindler, A.R., D.A. Haukos, C.A. Hagen, B.E. Ross. 2020. A multi-species approach to manage effects of land cover and weather on upland game birds. Ecology and Evolution. All analyses were completed using R. See manuscript for details about analyses and supplementary data for example code. Please contact the corresponding author with questions about this data package or to seek potential collaborations using these data. Beth Ross U.S. Geological Survey and Clemson University Email: ____________________________________________________________ Data sets: GRPC_count_data.csv, LEPC_count_data.csv, NOBO_count_data.csv, RNEP_count_data.csv These files contain count data collected for greater prairie-chickens (GRPC), lesser prairie-chickens (LEPC), northern bobwhites (NOBO), and ring-necked pheasants (RNEP) during annual surveys conducted by the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism. Year: Year of observation Route: Unique ID for each survey route Visit: Which survey visit number (1 or 2) to the route in a given year (GRPC and LEPC data only) Count: The number of males counted on identified leks (GRPC and LEPC data), number of calling males counted (NOBO data), or number of crowing calls counted (RNEP data) Data sets: GRPC_environmental_data.csv, LEPC_environmental_data.csv, NOBO_environmental_data.csv, RNEP_environmental_data.csv These files contain the landscape metrics and weather data for greater prairie-chicken (GRPC), lesser prairie-chicken (LEPC), northern bobwhite (NOBO), and ring-necked pheasant (RNEP) routes used in analyses. Year: Year of landscape metric or weather data Route: Unique ID for each survey route GRASS_3km: % grassland cover within a 3-km buffer around the survey route GRASS_5km: % grassland cover within a 5-km buffer around the survey route GRASS_10km: % grassland cover within a 10-km buffer around the survey route ED_3km: Edge density (m/ha) of grassland patches within a 3-km buffer around the survey route ED_5km: Edge density (m/ha) of grassland patches within a 5-km buffer around the survey route ED_10km: Edge density (m/ha) of grassland patches within a 10-km buffer around the survey route PDSI: Palmer Drought Severity Index of summer months TMAX: Maximum temperature of summer months (degrees Fahrenheit) PCP: Precipitation index of winter months TMIN: Minimum temperature of winter months (degrees Fahrenheit)