The file "S_Greenland_Summary_occupancy_and_productivity-1981-2021.csv" contains a summary of the raw data provided in the S_Greenland_Peregrine_monitoring_data-1981-2021.csv file. VARIABLES Occupancy = % of known sites occupied ('known sites' = sites where Peregrines are known to have bred in the past) Nest success = % of occupied sites producing young Young/occupied site = Number of young per occupied site; includes young of any age (full broods, i.e. all viable eggs hatched). Represents 'productivity' of the population, albeit a slight overestimate due to some post-survey mortality of small young. Young/successful pair = Number of young/successful pair; includes young of any age (full broods, i.e. all viable eggs hatched). Represents an estimate of 'average brood size', not 'productivity' in the population.