Sparianthina soca sp. n.

Figs 86−93, 102, 111

Type material: Holotype: ♂ from TRINIDAD & TOBAGO: Arima: Arima, Road to Blanchisseuse (-10.7061, -61.2914), 29 June 1999, R. Pinto da Rocha leg. (MZSP 18829).

Etymology. The specific name refers to a type of dance music common in Trinidad, which is a mix of Calypso, Indian music and rhythms; noun in apposition.

Diagnosis. Males of S. soca sp. n. resemble those of S. pumilla by the embolus with a bifid basal projection (Figs 108, 111). They are distinguished from the latter species by the embolus with no additional projections (medial spine-like projection present in S. pumilla) and by the basal projection with dorsal branch wide, concave and ventral branch shorter, laminar, distally rounded (dorsal branch tapering and ventral branch longer and distally blunt in S. pumilla). Females are unknown.

Description. Male (holotype): Prosoma pale orange with brown margins and slightly darker thoracic striae; fovea pale brown; eye borders black. Chelicerae, legs and palps pale yellow, lighter than prosoma; legs with brownish gray marks at the base of spines. Labium pale brown, distally pale orange. Endites pale yellowish orange. Sternum pale yellowish orange with pale brown margins. Opisthosoma pale gray; dorsally with pair of rounded muscular impressions; ventrally with two posteriorly converging lines of muscle impressions; spinnerets pale yellow (Figs 89−90). Total length 6.3. Prosoma: 2.8 long, 2.7 wide. Opisthosoma: 3.3 long, 1.9 wide. Eyes: diameters: 0.15, 0.20, 0.15, 0.25; interdistances: 0.15, 0.06, 0.26, 0.30, 0.29, 0.30. Legs (2143): I: 18.9 (4.9, 1.5, 5.5, 5.0, 2.0); II: 21.3 (5.5, 1.7, 6.2, 5.6, 2.3); III: 11.6 (4.3, 1.3, 4.2, 4.2, 1.6); IV: 17.9 (4.8, 1.2, 4.7, 5.3, 1.9). Palp: dRTA concave (slightly gutter-shaped in ventral view), longer than wide; DTA finger-like, gently curved retrolaterally at tip; embolus tapering; small, triangular tegular projection present, close to embolus base (Figs 91−93, 102, 111).

Female: Unknown.

Distribution. Only known from the type locality in Trinidad & Tobago (Fig. 118).