Key to species of the group zumpti (females)

1. Genua I and II with 3 setae each (seta v ” absent)............................................................. 4

- Genua I and II with 4 setae each (seta v ” present)........................................................... 2

2. Apical segments of legs III and IV with 5 and 4 setae, respectively. Setae h 2 shorter than 140......................... 3

- Apical segments of legs III and IV with 6 and 5 setae, respectively. Setae h 2 longer than 150................................................................................................... H. brevis (Ewing, 1911) comb. nov.

3. Palp femoragenu with weak lateral notches. Palpalae l”G and dF subequal in length. Setae h 2 80–100 long.................................................................................................. H. setophaga sp. nov.

- Palp femoragenu without lateral notches. Palpalae l”G at least twice as long as dF. Setae h 2 100–130 long..................................................................................... H. rubeculinus (Cherny and Sixl, 1971)

4. Lateral folds of vulva very short, not even close to reaching posterior margin of idiosoma............................ 6

- Lateral folds of vulva very long, reaching posterior margin of idiosoma.......................................... 5

5. Palpalae l”G 2 times as long as dF. Setae h 2 130–170 long............................. H. alaudinus Bochkov, 2000

- Palpalae l”G 1.3 times longer than dF. Setae h 2 40–50 long..................................... H. spizella sp. nov.

6. Palpalae l”G subequal to or at most 1.5 times longer than dF................................................... 7

- Palpalae l”G 1.7–2 times longer than dF................................ H. heatherae Bochkov and Galloway, 2013.

7. Setae h 2 100–135 long................................................................................ 8

- Setae h 2 50–80 long................................................................. H. zumpti (Fain, 1972)

8. Body, including gnathosoma, 370–400 long. Palpalae l”G 1.1–1.3 times longer than dF.................................................................................................. H. vulgaris Bochkov and Galloway, 2004

- Body, including gnathosoma, 320–340 long. Palpalae l”G 1.4 times longer than dF........... H. xanthocephalus sp. nov.