Dircaea liturata (LeConte)

NEW BRUNSWICK: Albert Co.: Caledonia Mt., 1965 – 71, C.G. Majka, CGMC; Mary’s Point, 12.viii. 2004, C.G. Majka, CGMC; Saint John Co.: Saint John, 9.ix. 1907. A.G. Leavitt, NBM. NOVA SCOTIA: 54 specimens examined from Antigonish, Cape Breton, Colchester, Cumberland, Digby, Guysborough, Halifax, Hants, Inverness, Kings, Lunenburg, Pictou, Queens, and Yarmouth counties. Found throughout the mainland of Nova Scotia and on Cape Breton Island. The earliest record is from 1948 (Kings Co.: Kentville, 25.vii. 1948, V.R. Vickery, NSAC). PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND: Queens Co.: St. Patricks, 17.vii. 2001, C.G. Majka, CGMC.

Newly recorded in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. In Québec collected on fallen trunks of Quercus rubra, Acer rubrum, A. saccharum, Tilia americana, and Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. (Laliberté 1965). In Nova Scotia, collected in both deciduous (Acer spp, Betula spp. and Q. rubra) and coniferous (Picea rubens, P. m a r i a n a, and Tsuga canadensis) forests, frequently with flight­intercept traps.