Paracinipe saharae (Pictet et Saussure, 1893)

Material examined. Algeria, Barika a’ el Alia, 2 ♂, 2 ♀; Aurès Mts., 2 ♂, 1 ♀; El Kantara, 1 ♂, 4 ♀; Col de Sfa, 1 ♂, 2 ♀; Djebel Berda, 2 ♂; Ain Touta, 1 ♀; Bou Saada, 2 ♀; Tunisia, Djebel Oum Ali, 1 ♀; Gafsa, 2 ♀ (MNHN); Tunisia, Djebel Bireno, 1 ♂; Tamerza, 1 ♂ (BMCP). It lives in central-South Tunisia and East Algeria. The record from Fezzan reported by Usmani (2007) should be revisited on the light of keys proposed by Descamps & Mounassif (1972) and Massa (1996, 1998); however, Usmani (2007) records from Fezzan the presence of Acinipe expansa, of which has depicted male genitalia; the shape of epiphallus, with hind evident concavity, is typical of the genus Paracinipe, and probably the species actually belongs to P. saharae (see also Massa 2009).