Lathrolestes caudatus (Thomson, 1883)

Figs. 39, 57– 60.

Lathrolestes caudatus Thomson, 1883: 917. Holotype ♀, lost, Type locality: Sweden (Skåne, Fågelsång).

Lathrolestes nasoni Davis, 1897: 264. Holotype ♂, ANSP [examined]. Type locality: USA (Algonquin, Illinois). Lathrolestes similis Davis, 1897: 265. Lectotype ♀, ANSP [examined]. Type locality: USA (Colorado).

Material. 2 ♀, SWEDEN, (NHRS); 1 ♀, SWEDEN, Södermanland, Kolmården, sydsluttning, leg. R.Malaise, (NHRS); 1 ♀, SWEDEN, Blekinge, (NHRS); 1 ♀, SWEDEN, Småland, leg. C. Boheman, (NHRS); 1 ♂, SWEDEN, Stockholm, (NHRS); 1 ♀, SWEDEN, Dalarna, Malung-Sälen, Lima, leg. T. Tjeder, (NHRS); 1 ♀, SWEDEN, Dalarna, (NHRS); 1 ♀, SWEDEN, Norrbotten, (NHRS); 1 ♀, SWEDEN, Hälsingland, (NHRS).

Additional material. 1 ♀, KYRGYZSTAN, Sary-Chelek, 2000 m., 1979, leg. D.Kasparyan, (ZIN); 1 ♀, KAZAKHSTAN, Almaty, ravine Dalan, foothills, 1979, leg. D.Kasparyan, (ZIN); 1 ♀, KAZAKHSTAN, Almaty Reg., Talgar distr., 5km SE from Talgar, foothills, 1979, leg. D.Kasparyan, (ZIN); 1 ♀, KAZAKHSTAN, South Kazakhstan Region, Tulkibas, left tributary of Djabagly, 1.vii. 1979, leg. D.Kasparyan, (ZIN); 1 ♀, RUSSIA, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Teberda Reserv., Alibek, 1972, leg. D.Kasparyan, (ZIN); 1 ♀, UZBEKISTAN, Tashkent Prov., Chatkal Reserv., field station, 1200 m., 16.v. 1980, leg. D.Kasparyan, (ZIN).

Diagnosis. This species differs from other species of the genus by the following character states: 1) face not strongly convex, 2) occipital carina incomplete, 3) claws pectinate, 4) metasoma mostly black, 5) ovipositor elongate and slightly up-curved, tip of its upper valve with nodus, 6) parameres elongate but wide.

Distribution. Belgium, Canada (Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Saskachewan), Finland, France, Germany, Latvia, Netherlands, Russia (Buryatia, Kamchatka, Khabarovsky Kray, Sakhalin), USA (Arizona, California, Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, Montana).