Neoseiulus ellesmerei (Chant & Hansell)

(Figs 31–40)

Amblyseius ellesmerei Chant & Hansell, 1971: 721.

Neoseiulus ellesmerei. Moraes et al. 1986: 79, 2004: 118; Demite et al. 2012.

Material examined. Holotype. Female. Canada, Northwest Territories, Ellesmere Island, Hazen Camp (N 81 º 49´, E 71 º 16´), no. 11999 (370 - 43), in Beslese soil sample, 11 August 1962, coll. D. Oliver; Specimens from Svalbard: 1 female, Russerbukta (N 77 º 32´, E 20 º 50´) Edgeøya, no. Russerbukta– 1, moss, 14 July 2009, coll. D.J.

Gwiazdowicz; 1 female, Spitsbergen, Longarbyen (N 78 º 13´, E 15 º 33´), no SPIT – 1, moss, 28 August 2007, coll. D.J. Gwiazdowicz; 1 female, Spitsbergen, Adventdalen (N 78 º 11´, E 15 º 45´), no 1 / 5, Endalen, Dryas octopetala Linnaeus, and Cassiope tetragona (Linnaeus) D. Don. heath, 30 June 2009, coll. D.J. Gwiazdowicz.

Description. Female (holotype). Dorsal shield (Fig. 31) elongated, moderately sclerotised, finely striated, with seven pairs of solenostomes (it, iv, id, isc, il, is, ic) and 17 pairs of setae. All setae smooth and short except PM 2 and PM 3 which are elongated. Sternal shield with two pairs of solenostomes and three pairs of setae; MSt on metasternal platelets. Ventrianal shield scutiform with three pairs of pre-anal setae. Anal pores small, distinct, rounded, the distance between them subequal to the distance between bases of PrA 2 (Fig. 32). All ventral setae smooth, sharp, and fine. Setae V 1, MV 1, MV 2 and PV on the integument surrounding the ventrianal shield. Peritremes long, terminate anteriorly the level of D 1. Chelicerae normal in relation to body size. Fixed digit with four teeth, movable digit without teeth (Fig. 34). Spermatheca bell-shaped with thick-wall funnel and atrium on verrucose cervix (Figs 35, 36). Large metapodal plate sharply asymmetrical in form; smaller platelet nearly straight (Figs 37, 38). Posterior part of peritrematal shield curved, broadened towards beak-shaped tip (Fig. 33). Leg IV with 3 sharp and smooth macrosetae. Macroseta on basitarsus IV longer than those on genu and tibia (Fig. 39, 40). No macrosetae on other legs.

Notes. Specimens of N. ellesmerei collected in Svalbard differ from the holotype in the following features: fixed digit of chelicerae with three teeth instead of four; some specimens have shorter peritremes anteriorly than the holotype, and the large metapodal plates clearly broader than those in holotype. The description and illustrations are based on the holotype. Type material deposited in the Canadian National Collection, Ottawa, Canada. No information is available about the biology or food habits of N. ellesmerei.