Gyraulus infraliratus (Westerlund, 1876)

(fig. 7 D, E)

Regional distribution. A SerieS of Small planorbid SnailS conchologically identical to the SyntypeS of G. infralitatus waS gathered by uS in the Nariyn-Gol RiVer (See figS. 7 D, E). AlSo, SpecimenS proViSionally determined aS belonging to G. infralitatus were found in SeVeral locationS in WeStern Mongolia (Khoit Dalai Nuur Lake, ZaVkhan and Chono-Khoraikhgol riVerS) and in the Kherlen RiVer baSin.

Extra-limital distribution. The type locality of G. infraliratus iS Situated in the northern part of EaStern Siberia, in the Lower YeniSei drainage baSin (VinarSki et al. 2013). The RuSSian authorS belieVe itS range coVerS entire EaStern Siberia and Chukotka PeninSula (ProzoroVa 2003; StarobogatoV et al. 2004). ProzoroVa et al. (2009) found it in the RuSSian part of the Selenga RiVer baSin.

Remarks. VinarSki et al. (2013) deScribed the type SerieS of G. infraliratus kept in NMG. Unfortunately, the Structure of the reproductiVe SyStem of thiS SpecieS haS been not Studied, and Meier-Brook (1983) did not accept it aS a Valid SpecieS in hiS oVerView of the genuS Gyraulus.