Skogsbergiella tetrathrix sp. nov.

(Figs 2–6)

Etymology. The specific name “ tetrathrix ” from Greek “tetra”- four, and “trix”- hair, refers to the 4 ventral setae on the comb of the fifth limb.

Material. One adult male.

Holotype. adult male, ZMH-K 41906, length 3.10 mm, appendages are mounted on a glass slide (ZMH-K 41906 / 1) and valves are preserved in alcohol (ZMH-K 41906 / 2), stored in the collection of the Zoological Museum in University of Hamburg, Germany.

Type locality. R. V. “Polarstern”, PS 61, ANT XIX/ 3, ANDEEP I cruise, ZMH-K 41910 – adult male (length 3.10 mm), Station 41 - 3 -E, taken with an epibenthic sledge trawled from 59 ° 21.97´S – 60 ° 4.27´W, 2380 m to 59 ° 22.55´S – 60 ° 4.01´W, 2359 m, on 26 January, 2002.

Diagnosis of adult male. Carapace length 3.10 mm. List paralleling posterior margin with about 37 hyaline spines.

Mandible. Dorsal margin of basale with 5–6 setae. Exopodite about one-half length of dorsal margin of 1 st endopodite segment.

Maxilla. Dorsal margin of basale with 1 proximal and 1 distal short setae.

Fifth limb. Comb only with 4 ventral setae (except exopodial seta).

Sixth limb. Anterior margin with 2 setae; posteroventral margin with 27 setae.

Seventh limb. Limb with 19 setae; opposing terminal combs with 12 teeth on each side.

Furca. Each lamella with 9 claws.

Lateral eyes. Absent

Description of adult male. Carapace (Fig. 2). Length 3.10 mm. Carapace with posterior half of dorsal margin strongly tapered (Figs. 2 A, B). Greatest height in anterior half (58 %). About 50 setae scattered over infold of rostrum dorsal to list; total 27 setae on list and between list and dorsal margin of incisur; about 60 setae present on anteroventral infold ventral to incisur (Fig. 2 C); list paralleling posterior margin with about 37 hyaline spines (Fig. D); setae between hyaline setae and processus between list and posterior margin difficult to distinguish (posterior infold covered with debris). About 8–10 setae forming cluster in dorso-posterior corner.

First antenna (Figs 3 B–E, 4 A): 1 st segment bare; 2 nd segment with spines on ventral surface, 1 dorsal long spinous and 1 lateral short bare setae; 3 rd segment with 6 spinous dorsal setae and 2 short recurved bare ventral setae; 4 th segment with 1 long dorsal seta with short marginal spines and 2 short ventral setae; stout stem of sensory seta of 5 th segment about twice as long as total 5 th– 8 th segments and with numerous filaments; medial seta of 6 th segment with short marginal spines and about as long as stem of 5 th segment. Seventh segment: a-claw about onehalf length of seta on 6 th segment; b-setae with more than 8 filaments (broken); c-seta with 28 filaments. Eight segment d- and e-setae bare; f-seta about 40 % of length of c-seta and with 8 proximal and 1 distal filaments; g-seta with 11 proximal and 1 distal filaments.

FIGURE 5. Skogsbergiella tetrathrix sp. nov. (Adult male—ZMH-K 41906). A and B, dorsal margin of middle mandible; C and D, dorsal side of 2 nd endopodite segment on mandible; E, maxilla; F and G, comb of fifth limb; H, anterior of sixth limb.

Second antenna (Figs 4 B–D): Protopodite with short slender medial seta. Endopodite 3 -segmented: 1 st segment bare; 2 nd segment with 2 bare short ventral setae; 3 rd segment reflexed on 2 nd and with bare long proximal seta and pointed tip with 8–9 ridges. Exopodite: 9 th segment with 2 terminal minute spines on left limb (Fig. 3 D) and without spines on right limb.

Mandible (Figs 4 E, F, G; 5 A–D; 6 A): Coxal endite with 1 small seta at basis of endite; ventral margin of dorsal branch of coxal endite with 8 teeth. Basale: endite with 4 terminal spinous setae, distally with 4 tridentid setae with some marginal pairs of spines and 2 dwarf setae and proximally with a glandular peg and 1 tridentid seta; 1 tridentid seta on basale near endite; dorsal margin of basale with 2 long terminal setae, 0–1 midlength subterminal seta and 3 midlength midsetae. Exopodite about one-half length of dorsal margin of 1 st endopodite segment and with 2 short bare subterminal setae. Endopodite: 1 st segment with 3 long ventral setae, 2 nd segment with 3 long terminal setae on ventral margin, dorsal margin with 3 fairly long proximal setae and stout spinous a-, b-, c- and d-setae, 1–2 short setae between a- and b-setae, 1 short lateral seta near b-seta, 2 long setae between b- and c-seta, 1 long seta between c- and d-setae and 1 long seta near base of d-seta; 3 rows of 3, 5–6, 7 setae present medially between b- and d-setae; 3 rd segment as common for the genus.

Maxilla (Fig. 5 A): 1 st and 2 nd endites each with 3 long setae. Basale dorsally spinous: dorsal margin with 1 proximal and 1 distal short setae; ventral margin with 1 short proximal and 1 long spinous terminal setae; lateral side with 1 short proximal seta. Endopodite: anterior margin without seta, posterior margin with 1 long spinous terminal seta; end segment with 1 long spinous terminal seta.

Fifth limb (Figs 5 F, G): Epipodial appendage with 84 plumose setae on both limbs. Lateral side with long stout exopodite seta (extending slightly past end of comb) and 4 setae on ventral margin.

Sixth limb (fig. 6 B): Anterior margin with 1 upper and 1 lower setae; anteroventral corner with 2 setae; lateral flap without setae; posteroventral margin with 27 setae.

Seventh limb (Figs 6 C, D): Limb with 19 setae, 14 proximal (7 + 8) and 4 terminal (2 + 2), each seta with 2–5 bells; opposing terminal combs with 12 spinous teeth on each side.

Caudal furca (Fig. 6 E): Each lamella with 9 claws, 1 st– 7 th claws and 8 th– 9 th claw-like setae.

Eyes (Fig. 3 B): Lateral eyes absent. Medial eye well developed.

Upper lip (Figs 3 B, F): Consisting of hirsute lobes, right lobe with 2 and left lobe with 1 soft short setae; lateral flap present on each side of mouth.

Copulatory organ (Figs 6 E, F): Elongate, distally with 2 lobes, each with 6 setae.

Rod-shaped organ (Figs 8 C, D): 2 -segmented, fairly elongate and thick with rounded tip.

Comparisons. The new species is closely related to S. macrothrix Kornicker, 1975 but differs by greater size of carapace, 2 -jointed rod-shaped organ, lesser number of teeth on combs of seventh limb and absence of lateral eyes (Table 1).