166. Macrobiotus islandicus Richters, 1904 a sensu lato [T]

Macrobiotus islandicus Richters, 1903 (Jerez & Narváez 2001)

Terra typica: Iceland (Europe)


• 07°07′N, 73 °02′W; 1,795 m asl: Santander Department, El Diviso Natural Reserve, pine forest (Pinus patula). Jerez & Narváez (2001)

Record numbers: Colombia: 1; total: 1.

Remarks: This nominal species of the M. islandicus group has a Holarctic distribution (McInnes 1994 a). Importantly, a similar subspecies, Macrobiotus islandicus nicaraguensis, is known from Central America (Kaczmarek et al. 2014 a), thus it is very likely that this single Colombian record belongs to M. i. nicaraguensis or to another species within the islandicus group.