165. Macrobiotus hufelandi C.A.S. Schultze, 1833 sensu lato [T]

Macrobiotus hufelandii C. A. S. Schultze. (Richters 1908 a) Makrobiotus hufelandi Sch.? (Richters 1911 a)

Macrobiotus hufelandri Sch. (Murray & Wailes 1913)

Macrobiotus hufelandi C. Schultze. (Heinis 1914)

Macrobiotus hufelandii, C. A. S., Schultze 1834 (Rahm 1931, 1932) Macrobiotus hufelandii S. Schultze, 1833 (de Barros 1942 b)

M. hufelandii S. Schultze 1833 (du Bois-Reymond Marcus 1944)

Macrobiotus hufelandii Schultze, 1833 (Ramazzotti 1962 a, 1964 a)

Macrobiotus hufelandii C. A. S. Schultze (Iharos 1963)

Macrobiotus hufelandii (Ramazzotti 1964 b)

Macrobiotus hufelandi (Mihelčič 1967)

M. hufelandii Schultze (Iharos 1969)

M. hufelandi (Mihelčič 1972)

Macrobiotus hufelandi Schultze, 1833 (Rossi & Claps 1980)

M. hufelandii Schultze, 1833 (Claps & Rossi 1981, Iharos 1982, Claps & Rossi 1984) M. hufelandi Schultze, 1834 (Claps & Rossi 1988)

Macrobiotus hufelandi Schultze, 1833 (Maucci 1988)

M. hufelandi (Schultze, 1833) (Rossi & Claps 1989)

Macrobiotus hufelandi Schultze, 1834 (Rossi & Claps 1991)

Macrobiotus grupo hufelandi (Garitano-Zavala, 1995)

M. g hufelandi (Garitano-Zavala, 1996)

M. hufelandi Schultze (Claps & Rossi 1997)

Macrobiotus hufelandii Schultze, 1834 (Jerez & Narváez 2001)

Terra typica: Germany (Europe)


• 22 ° 17 ′S, 63 ° 44 ′W; 600 m asl: Salta Province, road No 34 between Estación Pocitos and Tartagal, lichens on tree in the mountains. Claps & Rossi (1984)

• 24 °07′S, 65 ° 24 ′W; 1,450 m asl: Jujuy Province, road to Yala, moss on tree. Claps & Rossi (1984)

• 24 ° 19 ′S, 64 ° 33 ′W; 850 m asl: Jujuy Province, road to Santa Clara from Abra de los Morteros, lichens tree. Claps & Rossi (1984)

• 24 ° 30 ′S, 65 ° 17 ′W; 1,200 m asl: Jujuy Province, Abra de Santa Laura, lichens on mountain slope. Claps & Rossi (1984)

• 24 ° 44 ′S, 65 ° 29 ′W; 1,350 m asl: Salta Province, San Lorenzo, lichens on wood on soil in the mountains and lichens on tree (2 samples). Claps & Rossi (1984)

• 24 ° 55 ′S, 64 °09′W; 400 m asl: Salta Province, road from Las Lajitas to J.V. González, mosses on tree. Claps & Rossi (1984)

• 26 ° 18 ′S, 65 ° 37 ′W; 1,650 m asl: Tucumán Province, Hualinchay, lichens on house wall. Claps & Rossi (1984)

• 26 ° 47 ′S, 65 ° 20 ′W; 750 m asl: Tucumán Province, Horco Molle, mosses on soil and lichens on tree (2 samples). Claps & Rossi (1984)

• 26 ° 47 ′S, 65 ° 12 ′W; 500 m asl: Tucumán Province, Las Terrazas [Terrazas de San Jose], mosses on soil. Claps & Rossi (1984)

• 26 ° 51 ′S, 65 ° 26 ′W; 700 m asl: Tucumán Province, road from San Miguel de Tucumán to Tafi del Valle, mosses and lichens on rock. Claps & Rossi (1984)

• 27 ° 20 ′S, 55 °03′W; 350 m asl: Misiones Province, Campo Viera, lichen on tree. Claps & Rossi (1988)

• 28 ° 23 ′S, 57 ° 53 ′W; 50 m asl: Corrientes Province, Concepción, Estancia Abuelita Justa, mosses on soil on cement. Claps & Rossi (1988)

• 28 ° 30 ′S, 59 °02′W; 50 m asl: Corrientes Province, Bella Vista, mosses on fallen tree and soil and plants (Selaginella sp.) on soil (4 samples). Claps & Rossi (1988)

• 31 ° 43 ′S, 60 ° 20 ′W; 50 m asl: Entre Ríos Province, Parque General San Martín, lichens on tree. Claps & Rossi (1988)

• 31 ° 52 ′S, 58 ° 16 ′W; 50 m asl: Entre Ríos Province, El Palmar National Park, moss on rock. Claps & Rossi (1988)

• 32 °09′S, 64 ° 26 ′W; 550 m asl: Córdoba Province, Arroyo Las Vacas. Rossi & Claps (1991)

• 36 ° 24 ′S, 56 ° 57 ′W; 0 m asl: Buenos Aires Province, Port General Lavalle, lichens on trees (Eucalyptus). Rossi & Claps (1980)

• 36 ° 24 ′S, 56 ° 57 ′W; 0 m asl: Buenos Aires Province, General Lavalle, lichens on tree (Eucalyptus). Rossi & Claps (1980)

• 40 °01′S, 71 ° 40 ′W; 1,200 m asl: Neuquén Province, Pirehueico Pass, very wet and dry mosses on soil and rocks (2 samples). Claps & Rossi (1981)

• 40 ° 46 ′S, 71 ° 39 ′W; 800 m asl: Neuquén Province, Selva Triste [laguna Verde], very wet, mosses on tree in the forest. Claps & Rossi (1981)

• 40 ° 49 ′S, 63 °00′W; 0 m asl: Rio Negro Province, Viedma, mosses on soil. Rossi & Claps (1989)

• 40 ° 50 ′S, 71 ° 38 ′W; 900 m asl: Neuquén Province, Peninsula de Quetrihue, semi-wet and dry, mosses on tree in coppice, mosses on rock and soil in the forest and lichens on trees (4 samples). Claps & Rossi (1981)

• 41 °00′S, 71 ° 30 ′W; 800 m asl: Neuquén Province, Isla Victoria, mosses on tree. Rossi & Claps (1989)

• 41 °03′S, 71 ° 32 ′W; 800 m asl: Rio Negro Province, Peninsula Llao-Llao, dry, mosses on road, dry and semi-wet, mosses on soil, lichens on tree and fence (3 samples). Claps & Rossi (1981)

• 41 °08′S, 71 ° 20 ′W; 950 m asl: Rio Negro Province, Cerro Runge, dry, lichen (Ramalina sp.) on tree, semi-wet, mosses on tree, very wet, mosses and semi-wet and dry, Funaria sp. on calcareous soil in the forest, mosses and lichens on tree in the forest, lichens on tree (8 samples). Claps & Rossi (1981)

• 41 ° 11 ′S, 71 ° 49 ′W; 1,800 m asl: Rio Negro Province, Nahuel Huapi National Park, Monte Tronador, semi-wet, lichens on rocks and semi-wet, mosses on tree and soil (3 samples). Claps & Rossi (1981)

• 41 ° 11 ′S, 71 ° 49 ′W; 1,800 m asl: Rio Negro Province, Nahuel Huapi National Park, Monte Tronador, moss and lichen form trees (Nothofagus pumilio), lichens on trees, mosses and lichens on tree and moss on tree (6 samples). Rossi & Claps (1989)

• 41 ° 12 ′S, 71 ° 50 ′W; 1,000 m asl: Rio Negro Province, Tronador (Ventisqueros) [Ventisquero Negro del Cerro Tronador], dry mosses on single, trees in full sun and mosses on dry soil (2 samples). Mihelčič (1967)

• 41 ° 13 ′S, 71 ° 30 ′W; 2,250 m asl: Rio Negro Province, Nahuel Huapi National Park, Cerro Catedral, very wet, mosses on soil, semi-wet, lichens on tree (Nothofagus sp.) in the forest, semi-wet, lichen (Paltigera sp.) on tree (Nothofagus sp.), semi-wet, lichens on tree (Nothofagus sp.) and very wet, mosses on fallen branches, lichens and mosses on tree (Nothofagus sp.) (10 samples). Claps & Rossi (1981)

• 41 ° 14 ′S, 71 ° 46 ′W; 800 m asl [850 m asl]: Rio Negro Province, Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi, Pampalinda [Pampa Linda] near Cainquenes stream, mosses on dry trees and moist soil in full sun and lichens on dry trees in full sun (3 samples). Mihelčič (1967)

• 41 ° 22 ′S, 71 ° 30 ′W; 900 m asl: Rio Negro Province, Ruta Nacional 258 near Guillelmo Lake, mosses on soil on the stream riverside. Rossi & Claps (1989)

• 41 ° 58 ′S, 71 ° 31 ′W; 390 m asl: Rio Negro Province, Bolson [El Bolsón], cypress grove, lichens on moist soil and mosses on dry singles trees exposed to full sun and wind (2 samples). Mihelčič (1967)

• 41 ° 58 ′S, 71 ° 29 ′W; 1,170 m asl: Rio Negro Province, El Bolsón, Piltriquitron Mt., mosses on bases and barks of trees in Nothofagus pumilio forest. Iharos (1963)

• 41 ° 58 ′S, 71 ° 28 ′W; 1,460 m asl: Rio Negro Province, El Bolsón, Piltriquitron Mt., mosses on rocks and barks of trees near edge within Nothofagus pumilio forest. Iharos (1963)

• 41 ° 59 ′S, 71 ° 34 ′W; 300 m asl: Rio Negro Province, El Bolsón, Valley of Rio Azul, mosses on rocks and decaying stumps and mosses on tree (Myrceugenia exupca) in marshy Myrceugenia exupca - Nothofagus dombeyi forest, mosses on wet grassy crust on banks of brook (3 samples). Iharos (1963)

• 41 ° 59 ′S, 71 ° 31 ′W; 360 m asl: Rio Negro Province, El Bolsón, foot of Piltriquitron Mt., mosses on rocks in shaded Libocedrus chilensis -Lomatia obliqua forest, mosses on cliffs and dry ledge, mosses under saxicolous plants on the extremely arid cliffs of promontory (4 samples). Iharos (1963)

• 42 ° 13 ′S, 71 ° 42 ′W; 220 m asl: Chubut Province, El Turbio, Puelo Lake, mosses on bark of trees Nothofagus dombeyi - Libocedrus chilensis forest near lake. Iharos (1963)

• 42 ° 42 ′S, 70 ° 30 ′W; 500 m asl: Chubut Province, Gualjaina, moss on soil. Rossi & Claps (1989)

• 43 ° 10 ′S, 71 ° 45 ′W; 350 m asl: Chubut Province, Los Cipreses, mosses on trees in the forest (2 samples). Rossi & Claps (1989)

• 43 ° 10 ′S, 71 ° 36 ′W; 350 m asl: Chubut Province, Rio Futaleufú, dry mosses on rocks in the forest and soil and dry lichens on rocks (3 samples). Claps & Rossi (1981)

• 43 ° 42 ′S, 66 ° 29 ′W; 150 m asl: Chubut Province, Dique Florentino Ameghino, mosses on rocky soil. Rossi & Claps (1989)

• 43 ° 53 ′S, 68 ° 25 ′W; 250 m asl: Chubut Province, Los Altares, semi-wet, mosses on rock. Rossi & Claps (1989)

• 49 ° 20 ′S, 72 ° 53 ′W; 400 m asl: Santa Cruz Province, El Chaltén, Hosteria Fitz Roy, lichens and mosses on soil. Rossi & Claps (1989)

• 50 °06′S, 73 ° 20 ′W; 200 m asl: Santa Cruz Province, Los Glaciares National Park, Bahia Onelli, mosses and lichens on trees, mosses and lichens on trees (Nothofagus betuloides) (6 samples). Rossi & Claps (1989)

• 50 ° 28 ′S, 73 °01′W; 300 m asl: Santa Cruz province, Los Glaciares National Park, shores of Lake Argentino, near the Perito Moreno glacier, Nothofagus forest, in the shade, mosses. Maucci (1988)

• 54 ° 39 ′S, 68 ° 30 ′W; 800 m asl: Tierra del Fuego Province, National Park Ushuaia [Tierra del Fuego National Park], soil (2 samples). Iharos (1982)

• 54 ° 43 ′S, 68 °02′W; 200 m asl: Tierra del Fuego Province, Paraje de Las Cotorras (25 km NE on Ushuaia), mosses on fallen tree (Nothofagus pumilio). Rossi & Claps (1989)

• 54 ° 47 ′S, 68 ° 13 ′W; 100 m asl: Tierra del Fuego Province, Tierra Mayor (Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego), moss (Sphagnum sp.) on rocks. Rossi & Claps (1989)

• 54 ° 48 ′S, 68 ° 29 ′W; 200 m asl: Tierra del Fuego Province, Rio Pipo, lichens on trees (Nothofagus betuloides) (2 samples). Rossi & Claps (1989)

• 54 ° 50 ′S, 68 ° 34 ′W; 0 m asl: Tierra del Fuego Province, Tierra Mayor (Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego), near Roca Lake. Richters (1908 a)

• 54 ° 51 ′S, 68 ° 29 ′W; 0 m asl: Tierra del Fuego Province, Tierra del Fuego National Park, Bahia Ensenada, mosses and lichens on rocks (2 samples). Rossi & Claps (1989)

Undefined localities cited according Mihelčič (1967), dry mosses on tree in full sun, shaded and wet mosses on tree, dry mosses and lichens on soil in full sun, shaded and wet, mosses and lichens on soil, dry mosses and lichens on rocks in full sun, shaded mosses and lichens on rocks, wet tufts and rosette plants on rocks and thin and thick wet layer (9 samples). Mihelčič (1972)


• 15 ° 31 ′S, 67 ° 33 ′W; 800 m asl: La Paz Department, between Alcoche and Puerto Linares, 20 km from Alcoche, mosses in shaded place. Iharos (1969)

16 ° 13 ′S, 68 ° 13 ′W; 4,550–4,700 m asl: La Paz, Cordillera de la Real de los Andes, Tuni, subnival floor, cushion moss. Garitano-Zavala (1995, 1996)


• 08° 24 ′S, 38 °05′W; 400 m asl: Pernambuco State, Tapera, mosses. Rahm (1931, 1932)

• 22 ° 44 ′S, 45 ° 35 ′W; 1,650 m asl: São Paulo State, Campos do Jordão, mosses or aquatic plants. du Bois-Reymond Marcus (1944)

• 23 ° 29 ′S, 46 ° 21 ′W; 750 m asl: São Paulo State, Itaquaquecetuba. de Barros (1942 b)

• 23 ° 32 ′S, 46 ° 38 ′W; 750 m asl: São Paulo State, neighbourhood of São Paulo, mosses. Rahm (1931, 1932)

• 23 ° 33 ′S, 46 ° 38 ′W; 750 m asl: São Paulo State, São Paulo, mosses on wood. du Bois-Reymond Marcus (1944)


• 18 ° 11 ′S, 69 ° 13 ′W; 4,800 m asl [4,550 m asl]: Region XV Arica y Parinacota, Laguna La Cotacotani, leaf litter. Iharos (1969)

• 18 ° 30 ′S, 69 ° 32 ′W; 3,100 m asl: Undefined locality in Region XV Arica y Parinacota, foothills of the Altiplano, wet mosses near the stream. Iharos (1969)

30 ° 25 ′S – 37 ° 45 ′S [32 ° 58 ′S, 71 ° 01′W]; 1,900 m asl: Region V Valparaíso (Región de Valparaíso), Cerro El Roble, 45 km. on east of Valparaiso, mosses in caudacifolio forest with N. obliqua var macrocarpa and mixed rainforest with Araucaria araucana, Nothofagus obliqua and N. dombeyi. Ramazzotti (1962 a)

• 32 ° 58 ′S, 71 °01′W; 1,170–2,130 m asl: Region V Valparaíso (Región de Valparaíso), Cerro El Roble, leaf litter. Ramazzotti (1964 a)

• 32 ° 58 ′S, 71 °00′W; 1,170–1,230 m asl: Region V Valparaíso (Región de Valparaíso), Cerro El Roble, leaf litter. Ramazzotti (1964 b)

• 33 °04′S, 71 °00′W; 1,000 m asl: Region RM Metropolitana (Región Metropolitana de Santiago), Tiltil, Cuesta La Dormida, leaf litter from dry forest. Iharos (1969)

• 33 ° 20 ′S, 70 ° 36 ′W; 1,400 m asl: Region RM Metropolitana (Región Metropolitana de Santiago), Santiago de Chile and vicinity, Manquehue Mt., dry soil and mosses. Rahm (1931, 1932)

• 33 ° 26 ′S, 70 ° 38 ′W; 670 m asl: Region RM Metropolitana (Región Metropolitana de Santiago), Santiago de Chile and vicinity, San Cristóbal Mt., dry soil and mosses. Rahm (1931, 1932)

• 33 ° 27 ′S, 71 ° 40 ′W; 3–5 m asl: Region V Valparaíso (Región de Valparaíso), Quebrada de Cordoba/El Tabo, lichens. Ramazzotti (1964 a)

• 33 ° 29 ′S, 70 ° 54 ′W; 650 m asl: Region RM Metropolitana (Región Metropolitana de Santiago), Maipú (Quebrada, La Plata, La Rinconada), 25 km SW from Santiago de Chile, forest and shrubs area, mosses on tree. Iharos (1969)

• 33 ° 29 ′S, 70 ° 36 ′W; 550 m asl: Region RM Metropolitana (Región Metropolitana de Santiago), Santiago de Chile and vicinity, Quebrada de Macul and San Ramón, dry soil and mosses. Rahm (1931, 1932)

• 33 ° 30 ′S, 70 ° 55 ′W; 850 m asl: Region RM Metropolitana (Región Metropolitana de Santiago), Quebrada de La Plata, shrubs upland, lichens on rocks. Iharos (1969)

• 35 °00′S, 70 ° 48 ′W; 720–735 m asl: Region VII Maule (Región del Maule), Los Queñes/Curicò, lichens. Ramazzotti (1964 a)

• 36 ° 48 ′S, 73 °01′W; 0 m asl: Region VIII Biobío (Región del Biobío), neighbourhood of Concepción, mosses. Rahm (1931, 1932)

30 ° 25 ′S – 37 ° 45 ′S [ 37 ° 43 ′S, 73 ° 02′W], 1,000–1,500 m asl: Undefined locality in Region IX Araucania (Región de la Araucanía), Cordillera Nahuelbuta on south of Concepción, mosses in caudacifolio forest with N. obliqua var macrocarpa and mixed rainforest with Araucaria araucana, Nothofagus obliqua and N. dombeyi. Ramazzotti (1962 a)

• 37 ° 43 ′S, 73 °02′W; 1,100 m asl: Undefined locality in Region IX Araucania (Región de la Araucanía), Cordillera Nahuelbuta, lichen. Ramazzotti (1964 a)

• 39 ° 52 ′S, 73 ° 23 ′W; 100 m asl: Region XIV Los Ríos (Región de Los Ríos), neighbourhood of Valdivia-Niebla, mosses and algae. Rahm (1931, 1932)

• 41 ° 19 ′S, 72 ° 58 ′W; 50 m asl: Region X Los Lagos (Región de Los Lagos), Puerto Varas and Cayutué, mosses. Rahm (1931, 1932)

• 42 ° 37 ′S, 73 ° 49 ′W; 100 m asl: Region X Los Lagos (Región de Los Lagos), Chiloé Island, mosses. Rahm (1931, 1932)

• 53 ° 18 ′S, 70 ° 22 ′W; 0 m asl: Region XII Magallanes (Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena), Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, Porvenir, mosses. Rahm (1931, 1932)

• 55 °03′S, 68 °09′W; 0 m asl: Region XII Magallanes (Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena), Navarino Island, Puerto Wualaia [Puerto Wulaia], mosses. Rahm (1931, 1932)


• 07°07′N, 73 °02′W; 1,795–1,850 m asl: Santander Department, El Diviso Natural Reserve, Cypress forest (Cupresus lusitanica) and Pine forest (Pinus patula), mosses (Lyperodon tomentosus, Thamnobryum fasciculatum). Jerez & Narváez (2001)

• 06° 16 ′N, 75 ° 31 ′W; 2,550 m asl: Antioquia Department, laguna above Medellín, hepatic (Plagiochila ovifolia Steph.) on dry leaves and hepatic (Marchantia sp.) on soil (2 samples). Heinis (1914)

• 06°08′N, 75 ° 42 ′W; 1,900 m asl: Antioquia Department, Angelópolis, in ravine, hepatic (Plagiochila hansmeyeri Steph.) and lichens. Heinis (1914)

• 05° 12 ′N, 74 ° 44 ′W; 200 m asl: Tolima Department, Honda near Magdalena River, moss. Richters (1911 a)

• 04° 35 ′N, 74 °02′W; 3,300 m asl: Bogota Department, Páramo Cruz Verde, moss (Sphagnum sp.) mud. Heinis (1914)

• 04° 34 ′N, 74 °02′W; 3,600 m asl: Bogota Department, Páramo Cruz Verde, Sphagnum sp. and mosses. Heinis (1914)

• 04° 34 ′N, 74 °01′W; 3,400 m asl: Bogota Department, Páramo Cruz Verde, mosses (Pilotrichella flexilis (Sw.), Leptodontium fuhrmannii n. spec.). Heinis (1914)

• 04° 29 ′N, 73 ° 57 ′W; 2,300 m asl: Cundinamarca Department, near Ubaque, below Páramo Cruz Verde, mosses (Erythrodontrium consanguineum, Tortula sp., Campylopus sp., Sphagnum sp.). Heinis (1914)

• 04° 34 ′N, 74 ° 13 ′W; 3,800 m asl: Undefined locality Pass des Ruiz, mosses (Porotrichum nitidum (Hpe.) and Radula sprucei (Steph.)) on tree. Heinis (1914)

• 04° 34 ′N, 74 ° 13 ′W; 2,500 m asl: Undefined locality on Pass des Boqueron, moss (Omphalanthus filiformis (Sw.) Nees. Heinis (1914)


• 22 ° 39 ′S, 57 ° 46 ′W; 50 m asl: Concepción Department, Puerto Max, between Concepción and Rio Ata, lichens, mosses and hepatics (Forsstroemia cuspidata and Frullania sp.). Richters (1911 a)

• 25 ° 20 ′S, 57 ° 13 ′W; 200 m asl: Cordillera Department, Cordillera de Altos, Tucangua, mosses and lichens on palm tree (Acrocomia sclerocarpa). Richters (1911 a)


• 14 ° 19 ′S, 69 ° 28 ′W; 7,000 ft asl/ 2,200 m asl: Puno Region, Sandia. Murray & Wailes (1913)

13 °04′ 48 ′′S, 72 ° 18 ′00′′W; 2,350 m asl [13 ° 10 ′S, 72 ° 33 ′W; 2,500 m asl]: Cusco Region, Machu Picchu, mosses or lichens. Nickel et al. (2001)


• 31 °03′S, 57 ° 38 ′W; 50 m asl: Salto Department, Arroyo Palomas, mosses or lichens on rocks, trees or posts or aquatic macrophytes. Claps & Rossi (1997)

• 31 ° 20 ′S, 57 ° 51 ′W; 50 m asl: Salto Department, Arroyo San Antônio de Chico, mosses or lichens on rocks, trees or posts or aquatic macrophytes. Claps & Rossi (1997)

• 34 ° 25 ′S, 57 ° 44 ′W; 50 m asl: Colonia Department, Riachuelo, mosses or lichens on rocks, trees or posts or aquatic macrophytes. Claps & Rossi (1997)

• 34 ° 28 ′S, 57 ° 50 ′W; 0 m asl: Colonia Department, Colonia [Colonia del Sacramento], mosses or lichens on rocks, trees or posts or aquatic macrophytes. Claps & Rossi (1997)

Record numbers: Argentina: 52, Bolivia: 2, Brazil: 5, Chile: 22, Colombia: 10, Paraguay: 2, Peru: 2, Uruguay: 4; total: 99.

Remarks: Taxa identified as Macrobiotus hufelandi sensu lato have a cosmopolitan distribution (McInnes 1994 a). However, this is the nominal species for the hufelandi group and the group requires careful taxonomic analysis, including egg morphology, in order to properly differentiate the individual species (see Bertolani & Rebecchi 1993 for the review and for e.g. Pilato et al. 2003 b, Kaczmarek & Michalczyk 2004, Fontoura et al. 2008, Bartels et al. 2009, Kaczmarek & Michalczyk 2009 b, Guidetti et al. 2013 for new species within the group). We think the reports citing the presence of Macrobiotus hufelandi sensu stricto in South America, particularly the older reports, need to be confirmed.