162. Macrobiotus furciger Murray, 1906 b sensu lato [T]

Macrobiotus furcatus Murray (Richters 1908 a, Ramazzotti 1964 b)

M. furciger (andersoni ?) (Mihelčič 1972)

M. furciger Murray, 1907 (Claps & Rossi 1981)

Terra typica: South Orkney Islands (Southern Ocean)


• 41 ° 11 ′S, 71 ° 49 ′W; 1,800 m asl: Rio Negro Province, Nahuel Huapi National Park, Monte Tronador, semi-wet, lichens on rocks, semi-wet, mosses on tree and mosses on soil (3 samples). Claps & Rossi (1981)

• 42 ° 42 ′S, 70 ° 30 ′W; 500 m asl: Chubut Province, Gualjaina, semi-wet, mosses on rocks in the mountains. Claps & Rossi (1981)

• 54 ° 48 ′S, 68 ° 18 ′W; 50 m asl: Type Locality: Tierra del Fuego Province, Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia. Richters (1908 a)

• 54 ° 52 ′S, 67 ° 25 ′W: 0 m asl: Tierra del Fuego Province, Harberton Bay. Richters (1908 a)

Undefined localities cited according Mihelčič (1967), shaded and wet lichens on tree and dry mosses and lichens on soil in full sun (2 samples). Mihelčič (1972)


• 42 ° 37 ′S, 73 ° 49 ′W; 50–100 m asl: Region X Los Lagos (Región de Los Lagos), Chiloé Island, mosses (3 samples). Ramazzotti (1964 b)

• 55 °04′S, 67 ° 37 ′W: Undefined locality in Region XII Magallanes (Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena), Navarino Island. Richters (1908 a)

Record numbers: Argentina: 5, Chile: 2; total: 7.

Remarks: Species of the Macrobiotus furciger -group are reported from localities throughout the world but many require verification according to modern literature (for more details see Binda & Rebecchi 1992 and Binda et al. 2005). Binda et al. (2005), reduced the range of Macrobiotus furciger sensu stricto to the maritime Antarctic and sub-Antarctic South Georgia, suggesting the South American records require confirmation.