Hypsibius stappersi Richt. (Iharos 1963)
Terra typica: Svalbard (Spitsbergen) (Norway, Arctic Ocean)
• 41 ° 59 ′S, 71 ° 31 ′W; 370 m asl: Rio Negro Province, El Bolsón, foot of Piltriquitron Mt., slope above Pampa Azcona, mosses on soil of shrubby area. Iharos (1963)
Record numbers: Argentina: 1; total: 1.
Remarks: A member of the alpinum species group with a type locality on Svalbard, the disjunct distribution of this species includes Arctic, Europe and North America (McInnes 1994 a). The Argentinean record pre-dates the modern taxonomic revision (Pilato & Binda 1998), and therefore requires re-examination.