73. Milnesium eurystomum Maucci, 1991 sensu lato [T]

Milnesium eurystomum Maucci (Maucci 1996)

Terra typica: Denmark (Arctic, Greenland)


• 50 °06′S, 73 ° 18 ′W; 200 m asl: Santa Cruz Province, Los Glaciares National Park, Argentinian Andes (Onelli glacier). Maucci (1996)


• 53 °08′S, 70 ° 54 ′W; 0 m asl: Region XII Magallanes (Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena), Punta Arenas. Maucci (1996)

Record numbers: Argentina: 1, Chile: 1; total: 2.

Remarks: Species reported from Greenland (locus typicus), Arkansas, Alaska, Mongolia (Kaczmarek & Michalczyk 2006 a, Land et al. 2012, Johansson et al. 2013), and the southern tip of South America. Most of the localities have cold climate which may suggest specific habitat preferences, but the highly disjunct distribution could support the South American specimens belonging to a new species (see Michalczyk et al. 2012 a,b for more details).