67. Pseudechiniscus suillus (Ehrenberg, 1853) sensu lato [T]

Echiniscus suillus Ehrenbg (Richters 1911 a)

Pseudechiniscus snellus (Ehr.) (Murray & Wailes 1913)

Echiniscus suillus Ehrbg (Heinis 1914)

Pseudechiniscus suillus ver. papillata Ehrbg. 1853 var: papillata var. nov. (Rahm 1931, 1932) Pseudechiniscus suillus (Ehrbg, 1853) (de Barros 1942 a)

Terra typica: Switzerland (Europe)


• 25 ° 43 ′S, 54 ° 25 ′W; 250 m asl: Misiones Province, Iguazú National Park, moss on rock and moss on tree in the forest (2 samples). Claps & Rossi (1988)

• 26 ° 56 ′S, 55 °04′W; 200 m asl: Misiones Province, Capioví, moss on tree in the forest. Claps & Rossi (1988)

• 41 ° 12 ′S, 71 ° 50 ′W; 1,000 m asl: Rio Negro Province, Tronador (Ventisqueros) [Ventisquero Negro del Cerro Tronador], mosses form dry stones in full sun. Mihelčič (1967)

• 41 ° 14 ′S, 71 ° 46 ′W; 800 m asl [850m asl]: Rio Negro Province, Pampalinda [Pampa Linda] near Cainquenes stream, mosses on dry trees in full sun and moist soil (2 samples). Mihelčič (1967)

• 41 ° 58 ′S, 71 ° 31 ′W; 390 m asl: Rio Negro Province, Bolson [El Bolsón], cypress grove, lichens on dry trees in full sun and moist soil, mosses on dry singles trees exposed to full sun and wind (3 samples). Mihelčič (1967)

• 50 °06′S, 73 ° 18 ′W; 200 m asl: Santa Cruz Province, Los Glaciares National Park, shores of Argentino Lake, near the Onelli glacier, Nothofagus forests, in the shade, mosses and lichens on trees and rocks. Maucci (1988)

Undefined localities cited according Mihelčič (1967), shaded and wet mosses on tree, dry and in full sun lichens on tree, dry and in full sun mosses and lichens on soil, shaded and wet, mosses and lichens on soil, dry and in full sun mosses and lichens on rocks, shaded mosses and lichens on rocks, dry and wet tufts and rosette plants on rocks, thin wet layer and thick wet layer (10 samples). Mihelčič (1972)


• 14 ° 29 ′S, 67 ° 48 ′W; 3–7,000 ft asl / 900 – 2,150 m asl: La Paz Department, Tuichi valley. Murray & Wailes (1913)

• 14 ° 49 ′S, 69 °04′W; 11–12,000 ft asl / 3,350–3,650 m asl: La Paz Department, Pelechuco. Murray & Wailes (1913) Brazil:

• 22 ° 54 ′S, 43 ° 12 ′W; 0 m asl: Rio de Janeiro State, Rio de Janeiro, few localities. de Barros (1942 a)

• 22 ° 58 ′S, 43 ° 15 ′W; 450 m asl: Rio de Janeiro State, neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Tijuca National Park, mosses and algae. Rahm (1931, 1932)

• 23 ° 32 ′S, 46 ° 38 ′W; 750 m asl: São Paulo State, neighbourhood of São Paulo, mosses. Rahm (1931, 1932)

• 25 ° 26 ′S, 49 ° 16 ′W; 900 m asl: Paraná State, Curitiba, mosses or aquatic plants. du Bois-Reymond Marcus (1944)


• 33 °05′S, 70 ° 55 ′W; 600 m asl: Region RM Metropolitana (Región Metropolitana de Santiago), Cordillera de la Costa, near Tiltil, mosses. Rahm (1931, 1932)

• 33 ° 20 ′S, 70 ° 36 ′W; 1,400 m asl: Region RM Metropolitana (Región Metropolitana de Santiago), Santiago de Chile and vicinity, Manquehue Mt., dry soil and mosses. Rahm (1931, 1932)

• 33 ° 26 ′S, 70 ° 38 ′W; 670 m asl: Region RM Metropolitana (Región Metropolitana de Santiago), Santiago de Chile and vicinity, San Cristóbal Mt., dry soil and mosses. Rahm (1931, 1932)

• 33 ° 29 ′S, 70 ° 36 ′W; 550 m asl: Region RM Metropolitana (Región Metropolitana de Santiago), Santiago de Chile and vicinity, Quebrada de Macul, dry soil and mosses. Rahm (1931, 1932)

• 39 ° 52 ′S, 73 ° 23 ′W; 100 m asl: Region XIV Los Ríos (Región de Los Ríos), neighbourhood of Valdivia-Niebla, mosses and algae. Rahm (1931, 1932)

• 41 ° 19 ′S, 72 ° 58 ′W; 50 m asl: Region X Los Lagos (Región de Los Lagos), Puerto Varas and Cayutué, mosses. Rahm (1931, 1932)

• 42 ° 37 ′S, 73 ° 49 ′W; 50–100 m asl: Region X Los Lagos (Región de Los Lagos), Chiloé Island, mosses. Ramazzotti (1964 b)

• 55 °03′S, 68 °09′W; 0 m asl: Region XII Magallanes (Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena), Navarino Island, Puerto Wualaia [Puerto Wulaia], mosses. Rahm (1931, 1932)


• 07°09′N, 75 ° 23 ′W; 1,400 m asl: Antioquia Department, Cafetal La Camelia, moss (Trichostomum raapaii Broth.). Heinis (1914)

• 06° 49 ′N, 72 ° 56 ′W; 1,460 m asl: Santander Department, Guaca, moss (Squamidium nigricans Hook.). Heinis (1914)

• 05° 12 ′N, 74 ° 44 ′W; 200 m asl: Tolima Department, Honda near Magdalena river, moss. Richters (1911 a)

• 04° 54 ′N, 75 ° 23 ′W; 3,600 m asl: Tolima Department, Nevado del Ruiz, W slope near mine, moss (Brentelia falcatula n. sp.). Heinis (1914)

• 04° 29 ′N, 73 ° 57 ′W; 2,300 m asl: Cundinamarca Department, near Ubaque, below Páramo Cruz Verde, mosses (Erythrodontrium consanguineum, Tortula sp., Campylopus sp., Sphagnum sp.). Heinis (1914)


• 13 ° 12 ′S, 69 ° 38 ′W; 1–3,000 ft asl / 300–900 m asl: Madre de Dios Region, Tambopata Valley. Murray & Wailes (1913)

Record numbers: Argentina: 7, Bolivia: 2, Brazil: 4, Chile: 8, Colombia: 5, Peru: 1; total: 27.

Remarks: Pseudechiniscus. suillus is considered a complex of similar species (Fontoura & Morais 2011) and, originally described from Europe (Ehrenberg, 1853), now requires a re-description. Very similar species (e.g. P. facettalis or P. juanitae) are also known from the South America and the presence of P. suillus sensu stricto is thus questionable and should be confirmed.