Tenagomysis macropsis Tattersall, 1923 (Figs 1 C, D, 6)

Tenagomysis macropsis Tattersall, 1923, 294– 295, plate III figs. 1–12.

Material examined

All material Timaru, South Is., New Zealand. NIWA 3950: 1 Ψ (10.5 mm), stn TM060, 44 ° 39.1´S 171 ° 25.8´E, 13 Feb. 2002, 9 m, epibenthic sled. NIWA 3951: 2 ɗ (9.1, 9.2 mm) and 5 Ψ (10.3–12.1 mm), stn TM065, 44 ° 38.7´S 171 °26.0´E, 13 Feb. 2002, 7 m, epibenthic sled.


Tenagomysis macropsis was established on the basis of specimens collected from northern New Zealand by Tattersall (1923). This species had not since been recorded.

The Timaru specimens agree with the original description except for the carpopropodus of the eighth thoracopod. In the original description the distal subsegment of the carpopropodus is shorter than the middle subsegment, whereas it is twice as long as the middle subsegment in the present specimens (Fig. 6 G).

The mouthparts of T. macropsis are first illustrated here (Fig. 6 C–E).

The female pleopods of T. macropsis differ from those of T. longisquama in that they are slender and gradually narrowed distally (Fig. 6 J) as opposed to the knife­shaped pleopods of T. longisquama (Fig. 3 E–I).