Key to the Argentinean species of Pseudomicrocara Armstrong

1 Elytra unicolored, testaceous, brownish testaceous or dark brown................................................ 2

- Elytra with distinct color pattern, at least suture has different color than elytra..................................... 4

2 Elytra dark brown to black, pronotum yellow to orange with a brown central macula; habitus elongate, elytral margins subpar- allel; female with setal patch on ventrite 4; TL/EW> 2........................................... P. angusta sp. nov.

- Elytra testaceous or brownish testaceous, pronotum testaceous or brownish testaceous with or without maculae; habitus elon- gate-oval, elytral margins rounded; female without setal patch on ventrite 4; TL/EW<2.............................. 3

3 Testaceous, head and pronotum without maculae; trigonium simple; TL> 5 mm...................... P. livida (Fabricius)

- Brownish testaceous, head with three pairs of brown maculae, pronotum with one central large macula and one small macula on each side; trigonium bifid; TL<5 mm.................................................. P. patagonica (Curtis)

4 Elytra testaceous with brown suture....................................................................... 5

- Elytral pattern different, with partly or completely testaceous suture............................................. 6

5 Right mandible with a single tooth, left mandible lacking teeth; apex of trigonium truncate........ P. antarctica (Fairmaire)

- Both mandibles with a single tooth; apex of trigonium acute................................... P. inflexipenis sp. nov.

6 Elytra with pale testaceous suture and four pale testaceous longitudinal-oblique stripes interspersed with five wider brown stripes, each of these transversely interrupted by three rows of irregular pale maculae; elytra with four costulae; TL>5.0 mm.................................................................................. P. hieroglyphica sp. nov.

- Elytral pattern different, brown with one oblique pale macula located behind the humerus, approximately at the end of the basal quarter; elytra without costulae; TL<4.0 mm............................................ P. obliquata (Solier)