Euseius fructicolus (González & Schuster)

Amblyseius fructicolus González & Schuster, 1962: 12.

Euseius fructicolus (González & Schuster) Moraes et al., 2004: 69.

Senior synonym of Euseius vivax (Chant & Baker), according to Denmark et al. (1999).

Specimens examined. Thirteen females, two males, three deutonymphs and one protonymph on Rubus sp.; eleven females and one deutonymph on Nothofagus obliqua (Mirbel) Oersted "Pellín" (Fagaceae); two females on Eucryphia cordifolia; Tinquilco Lake near Pucón (Chile); 39 º 10 '09" S, 71 º 43 ' 33 " W; 814 m asl; 6 January 2013. Six females on Chusquea sp. and two females and one deutonymph on N. dombeyi "Coihue ". Tinquilco Lake near Pucón (Chile); 39 º 09'09" S, 71 º 43 ' 34 " W; 910 m asl; 6 January 2013.

Comments. This species has previously been reported from most of the countries in the Neotropical Region.

The measurements of the specimens collected fit those holotype provided by González & Schuster. Two of the females have seta r 3 inserted on dorsal shield.