Hoplunnis similis Smith 1989

(Fig. 3 B)

Material examined. One specimen, 305.0 mm TL: USU 0 1327 (1, 305.0 mm), MD, 0 5 CP 11.

Distribution. Hoplunnis similis was known from its type locality, in the Bahamas (20 º 53 ’N, 73 º 26 ’W), and from Florida, USA, Honduras and Nicaragua and southern Brazil (Castro & Bonecker 2004; Smith 1989 c).

Remarks. USU 0 1327 was reported by Séret and Andreata (1992) as Facciolella oxyrhyncha; another lot of F. oxyrhyncha was listed by those authors (USU 01391), but was not found in the USU collection.