Bathyuroconger vicinus (Vaillant 1888)

(Fig. 2 F)

Material examined. Eight specimens, 720.0–886.0 mm TL: MNRJ 26811 (2, 797.0–840.0 mm), T, E- 507; MNRJ 26812 (1, 752.0 mm), T, E- 506; MNRJ 26813 (4, 720.0–752.0 mm), T, E- 522; MNRJ 26814 (1, 886.0 mm), T, E- 523.

Distribution. Bathyuroconger vicinus is being reported for the first time in the WSA. It was described from several sites off the west coast of Africa and the Cape Verde Islands, and is also known to have a wide distribution in the tropical eastern Atlantic from Cape Verde to Angola, throughout the tropical western Atlantic from the Gulf of Mexico through the Caribbean to the northern coast of South America and the Indo- Pacific, from South Africa to Hawaii (Uyeno et al. 1983; Castle 1986 a; Smith 1989 b; Reiner 1996; Smith 1999; Smith 2002).