Macrostylis gerdesi (Brandt, 2002) DE 164 C 85-4733 - 40 E 3-9721 - 975940 A 24 F 95 Desmostylis gerdesi Brandt, 2002; pp. 618–626, Figs 1–4;

Macrostylis gerdesi (Brandt, 2002).—Riehl & Brandt, 2010; pp. 43–44; Fig. 19.

Type fixation. Holotype: non-ovigerous female, 1.8 mm length, ZMH K- 39915, by original designation.

Type locality. Antarctica, Southern Ocean, Weddell Sea, off Kapp Norvegia: multiple box corer, station 0 37, 28.2.1996, 71° 31.90 ’S, 13 ° 31.20 ’W; 238 m depth.

Type material. Holotype: non-ovigerous female, 1.8 mm length, ZMH K- 39915, dissected; paratype:: nonovigerous female, 1.6 mm length, ZMH K- 39916, from type locality.

Type material - Remarks. The holotype carcass got all limbs removed and is strongly damaged. The slides with appendages are in good condition.

Modified diagnosis. Pereonite 3 ventral spine small. Pereonite 4 width subequal pereonite 5 width, posterolateral margins not produced posteriorly, ventral spine absent. Pereonite 6 length shorter pereonite 5 length. Pereonite 7 ventral spine prominent. Pleotelson subrectangular, waist absent, posterior apex convex. Pereopod III ischium dorsal lobe triangular. Pereopod V ischium dorsally with no seta.