Halipeurus nesofregettae Timmermann, 1961

(Figs 12, 19, 35, 50, 59)

Naubates sp.” Clay, 1940: 309, pl. 1, fig 1. Host: Nesofregetta fuliginosa (Gmelin, 1758).

Halipeurus (Synnautes) nesofregettae Edwards (MS); Timmermann, 1961: 417. Type host: Nesofregetta fuliginosa (Gmelin, 1758).

Halipeurus (Synnautes) nesofregettae Edwards, 1961: 156, figs 3 W– 7 W. Type host: Nesofregetta fuliginosa (Gmelin, 1758). Holotype 3 in AMNH.

Halipeurus (Synnautes) nesofregettae Timmermann, 1961; Timmermann, 1965: 153.

Halipeurus (Synnautes) nesofregettae; Price et al., 2003: 188.



Ex Nesofregetta fuliginosa: 23, 1 Ƥ, paratypes, Phoenix I., Phoenix Group, Kiribati, AMNH skin 205901 (AMNH).


Ex Nesofregetta fuliginosa: 13, 1 Ƥ, Phoenix Is, Kiribati, Pacific Ocean, 13 Jul. 1964, D. Hackman, 1715 (KCEM); 33, 4 Ƥ, Phoenix Island, Phoenix Group, Kiribati, Pacific Ocean, 26 May 1965, POBSP 4177 (USNM; MONZ); 13, Christmas Atoll, Line Is, Kiribati, Pacific Ocean, 1 Jul. 1965, POBSP 4208 (USNM); 33, 1 Ƥ, Gambier Is, Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia, South Pacific Ocean, Jul. 1996, J.C. Thibault (MONZ).

DISCUSSION: Clay (1940) provided a photograph of the female, and Edwards (1961) included schematic drawings of diagnostic characters for both sexes. I include more detailed illustrations of male and female abdominal terminalia (Figs 35, 50), clypeal signature (Figs 12, 19), and male genitalia (Fig. 59) to facilitate the identification of this species.