Walkeriella miraculosa sp. nov.

(Figs 2–9)

Diagnosis. The single known species may be recognized using diagnostic attributes of the genus. The male genitalia show the most important diagnostic features: (i) asymmetrical projection of the pseudotegumen; (ii) valva with a ventral expansion; and (iii) phallus long and narrow, tapering to apex.

Description. Male (Figs 2–9). Forewing length: 38–43 mm; wingspan: 80–90 mm.

Head. Frons dark orangish-brown. Antenna with about 40 antenomeres.

Thorax. Coloured as the head. Forewing costal margin straight, slightly concave midway, apex produced and falcate; outer and inner margins convex without distinct tornus. Dorsal ground colour light orangish-brown; costal margin with interspersed dark and light brown spots; basoproximal, basodistal, postdiscal and submarginal bands concolourus, lighter than other bands and edged with orangish-brown scales; basoproximal band with a pronounced dark rectangular spot at the margin; basocentral and central patch darker, the first with three bright pale yellow spots edged with dark brown, anterior spot largest, the latter with a stigma, concolourus with spots of basocentral area, comprising a main bar and some tiny surrounding dots and bars; premarginal and marginal bands with several tiny dark dots, the latter with pale tiny dot between veins from apex to intervenular space between Rs4 and M 1. Hindwing dorsally dark brown proximally, lighter distally. Forewing and hindwing ventrally uniformly coloured, light brown without any markings. Legs densely covered by porrect piliform scales (Fig. 5). Epiphysis absent.

Abdomen (Figs 6–8). Coloured dorsally as for thorax, distal portion lighter as ventrally. Tergum VII with single spine-like posterior projection each side on the posterior margin (Fig. 8); tergum VIII wider and longer than other segments, distally folded with concave posterior edge. Sternum VIII rectangular, about 1/3 width of sternum VII.

Male genitalia (Fig. 9). Right dorsal projection of pseudotegumen smaller compared to left projection, but with single process on its internal edge. Ventral projection of pseudotegumen angled posteriorly and supporting phallus dorsally. Valva rectangular, tapered with apex densely sclerotized, curved and pointed, distal portion with tiny spines on dorsal and ventral edges; ventro-laterally with an expansion of almost same length of main portion. Fultura inferior laterally compressed, fultura superior comprising two reduced and narrow sclerotized longitudinal bands, each either side of the median. Phallus long and narrow, tapering to apex, angled dorsally, cornutus absent.

Female. Unknown.

Distribution. Walkeriella miraculosa sp. n. is known from the type locality, about 40 Km southwest of Puerto Maldonado, Tambopata, Madre de Dios department, Peru at 230 m. (Fig. 10).

Ethology. All specimens at the type locality were attracted to light at dusk.

Host plant. Unknown.

Etymology. The species name miraculosa is a feminine Latin noun in singular nominative meaning wonderful.

Type material. Holotype male with the following labels (separated by forward slashes): / HOLOTYPUS, Walkeriella miraculosa C. Mielke, Grehan & Grados des. 2019/ Peru, MD [Madre de Dios], Albergue, Refugio Amazonas, 12°52’30’’[S], 69°24’35’’[W], 235 m 08.iv.2017, D. Couceiro [leg.] (deposited in Museo de Historia Natural, Lima, Peru).

Paratype. 1 male, same location as the holotype, 22.X.2016, J. Grados leg. (CGCM 39.415; Coll. C. Mielke, Carambeí, PR, Brazil).