TITLE:;Appearances of Erkki Kurenniemi's electronic musical instruments AUTHOR(S)/CREATOR(S):;"Ojanen, Mikko; " AUTHOR ID:;orcid.org/0000-0002-7833-9659 VERSION of the Document: ;20200111 CONTENT DESCRIPTION: ;This excel spreadsheet includes notes about the appearances of the electronic musical instruments designed by the Finnish electroacoustic music pioneer Erkki Kurenniemi COVERAGE: ;The notes covers the period strating from the early-60s until the present CONTACT INFORMATION:;mikko.ojanen@helsinki.fi "DOI for all versions; resolves to the latest one: ";10.5281/zenodo.842854 ; GENERAL NOTES; Current version;Always check the DOI representing all versions of the document to resolve to and download the latest one Note about the dates;"Dates marked as yyyymmdd; e.g. 19650101 = 1965 January 1st" Note about the dates;"If spesific information is missing or unknown, marked as 00; e.g. 19650100 = 1965 January spesific day unknown; 19650000 = 1965 spesific month unknown spesific day unknown " ; "LOG; date";"LOG; A short description of changes" 20170611;The 1st published version 20180411;Several notes, dates, events etc. added after the 1st version 20180523;Several notes, dates, events etc. added after the 2nd version 20180523;The name of the Integrated synthesizer (Electric sound machine) changed to The first music system 20180614;Lindeman's works and DICO details added 20180701;"Several details added; e.g. DIMI FAMILY 1978" 20180708;Entry about DIMI-A in Cumulus 1973 added 20181106;"Sähkökvartetti details added; Other details in UH Studio corrected" 20181110;Andromatic dates added from Ralph Lundsten's discography, from HS and so on 20181129;Several musical works, dates of events, archive documents e.g. from YLE's archive added mainly to DIMI-A and DIMI-O 20181215;"Salmenhaara's Maan aurinko sound sources are unknown; music is completed already in 1968; information removed from DIMI-A sheet" 20181220;Several musical works, dates of events added 20190330;A few musical works, dates of events, archive documents added  20190502;A few musical works, dates of events, archive documents added  20191130;A few DIMI-O dates checked from Kurenniemi's daily planners and diaries 20191225;A few details about Vihreä eläin and DIMI-O added and checked 20200111;Converted into csv format ; ; TODO, TO BE ADDED, MISSING, UNCHECKED etc.;Description on going;notes about block diagrams, handwritten sketches and schematics of the instruments on going;"tables include several unchecked notes; unchecked data NOT systematically marked in version 20180523"